I know

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(Months later)

I pull into my forth shoot since I've been back in Boston and I park right by the door

I walk in the back and my manager spots me and comes over

"Perfect timing. Get your hair and makeup done then get dressed we've got a long day" he says

I nod and go over to makeup

My stylist goes at my hair and another starts my makeup

"Blink..blink..blink" she says doing my mascara

"All done, outfit next" they say and I get up

I walk to my dressing room and lock the door

I see a skimpy dress on a hanger and I quickly change into it

I fix my hair and walk out

I walk over to the backdrop that's got lights and cameras facing it

"Great. First pose like this in a few variations" my manager says


I follow his instructions just as I do everyday and look to the targeted spots

The camera clicks atlesdr eight times each pose I strike

"Great go change your next outfit is in there ready for you" he says and I go change

Now I'm wearing a romper type one piece

I pull my hair over my shoulders and go back to my spot

"Perfect, now like this" he demonstrates what I need to do

I look at the camera and the flash flicks in my eyes

I've learned to get used to the flashing because how much it happens every photo that's taken

I changed outfits atleast eight more times and had my makeup redone and hair restyled each time

"That's a day" my manager says

I change into my outfit from earlier today and walk out to my car


I pull into my driveway and walk inside

I yawn and close the front door behind me

I stomp my way up to my room

I drop my stuff on the floor and lay in my bed



I wake up and feel soaked in sweat

I sit up in bed and breath heavily

I decide to shower and get out of my bed

I walk into my bathroom and start the shower. I look in the mirror and my makeup is smeared on my face

Once the water is hot enough I take off my dirty clothes dropping them on the floor an get into the shower

I let the water rush over my face and roll down the rest of my body and down the drain

I squeeze some shampoo into my hand and scrub it into my scalp

I rinse, condition, rinse, wash my body, rinse again, then turn on the water

I get off and dry my body with my towel

Once I'm dry I go into my closet and grab a hoodie of Chris's and some short shorts that I usually just wear to fall asleep

I scrunch my hair with the towel to get some extra water out and grab my blanket and pillow then bring it down to the couch

I drop them down and lay on the couch

You and me - Chris Sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now