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8 years later

I walk into the house, hearing little footsteps quickly approaching before they round the corner and Lyla, my daughter springs onto me

"Hey Ly!" I call and lift her up into my arms

"Mommy!" She yells and hugs me

I hear more footsteps and soon Chris is beside me

"Hey mama's" he says, planting a gentle kiss on my temple

"Hey, Chris" I smile and peck the corner of his lips

We walk over to the couch, sitting down and I lay my head against Chris's shoulder, Lyla on the other side of the couch

The dark house is brightened slightly by the TV playing a movie

I had a long day at work today, since I've gone back to the modeling industry they've worked me so much after being pregnant with Lyla

They reached out just a couple years ago when she was around 2 years old and asked for me back

So they've had me working most weekdays, I insisted on not being overworked to the point of not being able to see my family.

I move from Chris's shoulder and lay in his lap, still watching the TV

His hand gently pulls my hair behind my ear

I close my eyes, calming down

My mind drowns out any sound and I fall asleep in his lap


"Sweetheart, let's go to bed" Chris's calm voice is beside me

My eyes blink open and I sit up off of the couch

"Where's Ly?" I ask, worried

"I put her to bed, she fell asleep after you did" he says

I stand up and he lifts me up off of my feet and carries me towards our room

He lays me in the bed and I pull the covers over me

He climbs into bed next to me while I pull my shirt up off of me leaving me in my sports bra and shorts

I scoot closer to Chris and lay on my stomach next to him

"I love you, Chris" I say, looking down at my hands and fiddling with the diamond ring on my finger

"I love you too, mama's" he says.

He's always called me mama's but now that I really am a mother he calls me it like crazy

I smile over at him and lay my head on his chest

His arm slides around my waist and the covers land on my back

"Did you ever think we would be here, just a few years ago we were just kids" I ask quietly

"I always thought we would get here." He responds

My heart flutters at his words

"Since we were just two middle schoolers, I believed we would make it to the end." He states

My lips curl downward, that was cute

"Really?" I ask quietly


I slide my fingertip in circles over his skin and his thumb slides back and forth over my side

"Go to sleep, love" he hums

My eyes close and I try to calm my mind

I feel Chris's breaths even out under me and I start to doze off

Chris's voice says something in a low whisper and I fall asleep before hearing the rest of his sentence

Instead, all I hear is "You're the best per-" before I'm engulfed into slumber

The end.

You and me - Chris Sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now