I understand

846 11 13


Yn pov

I walk out of the dressing room in my third outfit today and go over to my seat for my third shoot

"Like this" my manager demonstrates what I need to do

Once that shoot was done I walk over to grab a water bottle and drink some of that. The first thing I've had to eat all day


"Next outfit yn!" My manager says and I go into my dressing room and change once again

The cycle repeats for eight more hours


I walk into my changing room and change into another outfit then come back to my spot

"This shoot is gonna be a while yn so be ready" my manager says and I nod

The camera shutter clicks in multiples and I do the poses I'm instructed to do

That shoot lasted atleast two hours

I change a few more times and soon enough I was done for the day


I trudge my way to my car and drive back to my house

Once I arrive home I walk up to my room because I'm ready for bed

I'm just gonna sleep in because I don't have work for a few days

I change into a cropped tank top and shorts then get in my bed and fall asleep



I wake up to my phone ringing

I grab it off the charger and answer it

"Hey" I say scratching my head

"Hey you never messaged me" Chris's voice says through the phone

"Sorry I was really tired" I say getting out of bed

"It's alright. How was work" he asks

"Good. Long" I say

"Yeah it usually is, glad it was good though, can I come over?" He asks

"Yeah sure, I'll see you then" I say and hang up

A few minutes later I heard the door open so I walked out of my room

"Hey" he says

"Hi" I answer yawning

"You just wake up?" He asks and I nod

We go into my room and hangout for a while, we watch a movie  or two then he goes back home

I grab my keys and go out to my car

I pull out of the driveway and drive to the grocery store

Once I get there I try to get in and get only things that we need for my houe Ike snacks for drinks etc and drive back home

You and me - Chris Sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now