27 | Unecessary Questions

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I glanced up, quickly looking away to continue nibbling at the small piece of toast I had left. "How long do you think you're gonna be able to make that last?" Ricky mused, looking over the corner of bread I had on my plate.

The kitchen was empty, Savannah had long since taken oma to her room to change out her nightgown, consequently leaving me with a semi-irritated Ricky. "As long as it takes for you to forget." I answered, once again picking up and nibbling on the food.

He rolled his eyes as he noticed my bites getting even smaller, "Hey!" I shouted, furrowing my brows as I watched him grab my plate and put it into the sink; coming back just to take the corner of bread I had hanging out my mouth and throw it away.

He ignored my look of surprise as he took a seat across from me at the small table "Let's talk." He kept a small kind smile on his face as he said the words but his tone was anything but that. I sucked on my teeth, leaning back and crossing my arms as he arched a singular brow in response to my silence. "Stefan.." he started, leaning forward but trailing off as Savannah walked back into the room.

His eyes quickly moved to her, following her movements as she quietly hummed to herself, clearly not paying much attention to us, "Warum war er hier? (Why was he here?)" he questioned when his gaze returned to mine.

The clinking sound of dishes stopped at his words and I looked to the side to see Savannah giving him a questioning look, clearly confused on why he suddenly felt the need to speak German now that she was in the room. "Because he's my mate." I answered back in English, a nervous grin spreading across my face when he sent a harsh glare in reply.

"Wir haben uns versöhnt, er entschuldigte sich und sagte, er möchte, dass wir versuchen, es zum Laufen zu bringen. (We made up, he apologized and said he wants for us to try and make this work.)" I explained, my fingers fiddling together on my lap as I nervously waited for his response.

He remained quiet for a few moments before letting out a small hum, "Das war schnell. Willkürlich. (That was quick. Random.)" I could clearly see the gears in his head turning, is the thought of Ade suddenly changing his mind about wanting to be with me that unbelievable?

"Warum machen Sie das? Warum versuchst du immer, alles zu sehr zu analysieren? (Why are you doing that? Why are you always trying to over analyze everything?)" I questioned harshly, my brows furrowing together as I watched his eyes slowly widen at my words, "Stefan I-" he quickly cut himself off, immediately glanced to the side, looking away when Savannah made no hint that she was going to say anything.

"Ich versuche nur herauszufinden, was ihn dazu gebracht haben könnte, seine Meinung zu ändern. (I'm just trying to figure out what could've made him change his mind.)" He explained carefully, his face started to mimic my confused one. "Bist du nicht auch neugierig? (Aren't you curious too?)" he questioned, sounding genuinely confused.

"Es gibt keinen Grund, neugierig zu sein. Unsere Wölfe trafen sich, er- ich-ich schätze, er sah, wie sehr unsere Wölfe einander brauchten und beschloss, es auszuprobieren. (There's nothing to be 'curious' about. Our wolves met, he- I-I guess he saw how much our wolves needed each other and decided to give it a chance.)" My hands clenched around themselves as he gave me a pitied look. Slowly shaking his head as he looked down at my hands.

"Stefan, das ergibt keinen Sinn. Er wusste von Anfang an, wie sehr eure Wölfe einander brauchten, das hätte er auf keinen Fall wissen können. (Stefan, that doesn't make sense. He's known from the beginning how much your wolves needed each other, there's no way he wouldn't have.)" His hand carefully reached across the table to mine but I was quick to snatch them away before he could reach me.

Almost Rejected | BXBOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora