33 | Denial

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TW | Slight gore (?)

"Stefan.. your grandmother is dead."

Stefan's eyes widened as his mate's words repeated over and over again in his head, it was silent for a few minutes before the sound of laughter could be heard. The alpha tilted his head to the side, his expression turning concerned as he watched his maté hysterically laugh to the point of tears.

"That.. That's not a funny joke." He replied as he struggled to catch his breath. Ade gulped as he took a step forward, placing both his hands on either one of Stefan's shoulders before pulling the much smaller boy into a tight hug, "I'm sorry." He whispered.

Suddenly there was a tight pain in Stefan's chest, tightening even more when the sudden voice of Zane made its way into his head, "Ich wünsche dir Heilung und Frieden, Bärchen." He brought his hands to his head, covering his ears as if it would stop the voice. "This isn't a funny joke." He repeated with a growl, whimpering as the voices just kept going.

"Let me go!" The voice shouted.

"Let me see my Oma!" The voice demanded.

The voice echoed in his head like a video playing an old memory from a worn down camera, the quality blurry but the audio clear as day. He couldn't help but clench his fist to his head, hitting the sides of his head as he pleaded with the moon goddess to stop the voices. "I can't let you go in there." Another voice repeated as he continued his assault against the sides of his head.

He whimpered when someone suddenly grabbed his hands, forcing them to his sides as he just continued to shake his head, willing what he deemed as ' voices' to go away.

"Shh, you're okay." Ade suddenly whispered into his ear, the small shushing sound instantly quieting the voices that had only been steadily increasing in volume. "You're okay." He repeated, rubbing his large hands through the younger's short brown hair.

Stefan's breathing slowly started to slow, coming out in low forced pants as he held hand tightly to his chest. Despite the voices being gone he still couldn't get a hold of his breathing and that became painfully more obvious when black spots started to cloud his vision.

His hand moved to pat the alphas chest, desperately trying to gain his attention, "Ade.." He rasped out through pants. The alpha tensed before immediately pulling away at the breathless tone his mates' voice took when calling for him, "Stefan?" He questioned before the smaller male eyes rolled back and he was falling forward.

The alpha wasted no time in catching his mate, his jaw tightening as he looked over his unconscious mate. "kak.. (Shit..)" He cursed, lifting him into his arms and carrying him back onto the bed.

He was careful as he set his mate down on the bed, his expression taking on a confused look when he remembered his words from earlier; He didn't remember? But how is that possible? A whimper took him away from the questions in his head, bringing his attention back to his mate.

He sighed as he sat on the side of the bed, leaning forward to run his fingers through his mates' soft brown hair, the action causing a quiet involuntary purr to sound from the back of the youngers' throat.

"Ade." He looked away from his mate to see Zane standing in his doorway, the betas eyes were glued to his unconscious Luna, "Is he alright?" He asked, his voice quiet as he forced his eyes to his alphas'. Ade looked back down at his mate, letting out a tired breath as he stood from the bed and made his way to his best friend.

The beta quietly watched him, analyzing his expression as he stopped in front of him, "Link Doctor Xzavier." He ordered, leaving the room before the beta could ask any further questions. Zane took a sharp intake of air at his words but didn't ask anything else as bowed to Ades' retreating figure, "Yes, alpha." He mumbled, taking a moment to peek up at Stefan before leaving and closing the door behind him.

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