29 | The Mond-Götten Pack

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Ade woke up to find his mate playing with his hair, he could feel Stefan braiding his dreadlocks into chunky uneven braids as he continuously let out small quiet hums every few seconds. A surprised gasp left his lips when Ade suddenly turned around, grabbing and lifting his wrist above them with one hand as he flipped them over so he was laying on the top of his much smaller mate. "Who gave you permission to mess with my hair?" He mused in a groggy voice, a teasing smile spreading across his face as he patiently waited for his mates answer.

Stefan looked up into his eyes, his cheeks turning a pretty pink as he said nothing in reply to Ade's continuous questioning gaze causing the alpha to raise a brow as he also continued to look down into his mates eyes.

He couldn't help but notice the slight shade of dark purple that seemed to show whenever the morning sun shone through the window and hit Stefan's face, brightening his face and making his already beautiful features even more visible.

He suddenly removed his hand from around Stefans' wrists before gently lifting the smallers' chin and connecting their lips in a slow kiss, "Mate.." Leon breathed once they had separated.

A soft grin graced Ades face at the surfacing of the silent wolf, "I knew it was you." He mused, kissing the top of his nose and causing the smaller male to let out a quiet laugh. Leon returned his grin before scrunching up his face and pressing a single finger against each side of his nose, "Ugh, morning breath." He grumbled, jokingly waving his hand between them with a goofy smile.

Ade rolled his eyes at the silly male before letting out a small laugh, when their laughing stopped he pulled Leon in for another kiss, "Wanna go for a run?" He asked after they had finally separated from their kiss.

Leon's face immediately brightened up as a wide grin spread across his face at the mention of going on a run. "In our wolf forms?" He questioned, not at all trying to hide his excitement at the possibility of seeing Ades' wolf. The alpha ran a hand through the youngers hair as he answered his question with a nod causing his mate to immediately jump out the bed, "I'm going to shower first!" He announced before practically running into the bathroom.

Ade sighed with a slight smile, pulling a book off the bedside table as he heard the sound of running water hitting the bottom of his tub. About thirty minutes into his reading he was shocked to hear a shout from the restroom.

As soon as he reached the locked door he pounded his fist against it, shooting out multiple questions all at once, "Hey angel, what just happened? Are you alright? Can you open the door?" He asked, staring at the wooden door and contemplating whether to just break the whole thing down and find out himself.

Fortunately, before he could he was stopped by the sudden sound of his mates' soft voice speaking on the other side of the door, "I-I'm fine!" He stuttered out.

He let out a tensed breath at the reassurance, "..Stefan?" He questioned, his brows furrowing together at the slight difference in his mates' voice. He received no immediate reply, watching as his mate, seconds later, cracked open the door before poking his head through.

His short brown hair looked even shorter as it stuck to his forehead and his face was slightly red, "Leon um.. gave me control while he was still in the shower.." he grumbled out, glancing to the ground.

Ade raised a questioning brow at his mates' sudden shyness, beckoning the smaller wolf to continue as Stefans' lip turned downward into a pout, "The water was freezing." He explained with a quiet whine at the end.

The alpha kept the same expression as he continued to stare down at his mate, seconds later bursting into a fit of laughter causing Stefan to glare before turning and slamming the door shut.

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