The Drive

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The anticipation reached its peak as I completed the task of loading the final bag into the trunk of the car, my heart racing with a sense of adventure. 

Eagerly, I hopped into the passenger seat, ready for the journey ahead.

As Amelia pulled out of town, her eyes flickered with curiosity and concern. Turning towards me, she voiced her thoughts, questioning the unfamiliarity of the place we were heading to.

"Just five miles outside town? Y/N... you know, that place seems a little... weird. How is it that we've never heard of it before?"

I pondered her words for a moment, the curiosity mirrored in my own mind. Leaning back in my seat, I replied with a shrug,

"I'm not sure, Amelia. Perhaps it's because it's an off-the-beaten-path location that they have put up flyers everywhere, trying to draw people in. Maybe there's something unique and hidden about it that makes it worth exploring."

A sense of mystery and intrigue hung in the air as we continued our journey, our imaginations capturing the possibilities that awaited us at this elusive destination.

We drove on, following the precise directions on the GPS, as the asphalt road gradually gave way to a secluded path. 

Soon, we found ourselves surrounded by a dense forest, trees standing tall on either side, their branches intertwining like guardians of the hidden realm we were about to enter.

The rhythmic hum of the car's engine seemed to fade into the background, replaced by the rustling leaves and the subtle whispers of nature. The air held a certain serenity, and a sense of anticipation swirled within us as we ventured deeper into this arboreal embrace.

As our car navigated the winding path through the forest, our anticipation mounted, until we finally arrived at a grand entrance. A massive gate, adorned with intricate designs, stood open, inviting us into the realm beyond. 

With a mixture of awe and curiosity, we drove through, our eyes widening at the sight that greeted us.

Before us stood a majestic mansion, an architectural marvel nestled amidst the tranquil embrace of nature.

As we stepped out of the car, our attention was immediately captured by the presence of an old woman and two young men. They approached us with radiant smiles that stretched across their faces, their enthusiasm almost palpable.

With a warm and welcoming tone, the old woman greeted us, her voice carrying a sense of wisdom and grace. 

"Oh, welcome, welcome! I trust you're here for the retreat?" she inquired, her eyes sparkling with genuine interest.

A surge of politeness washed over me, and I nodded, meeting her gaze. "Yes, ma'am," I replied, striving to convey my gratitude and respect in my tone.

"Oh such kind young women, come inside," she says gesturing for us to follow her "and those boys will take care of your things, come on now"

Amelia and I exchange looks and she leaned over

"If there are cute boys like that everywhere I won't be able to leave" she whispered which made me laugh. Hopefully, she can get over that weird relationship and get into an actual one.

She graciously led us through the front doors of the house, and the sight that greeted us made me gasp in awe. The interior was impeccably maintained, radiating an aura of timeless elegance and meticulous care. 

Every detail seemed to have been thoughtfully preserved, creating an atmosphere that felt both inviting and enchanting.

As we walked further into the house, I couldn't help but marvel at its beauty. The rooms held an air of tranquility, each one offering a glimpse into a world of serenity and self-discovery. 

The atmosphere was imbued with an undeniable sense of purpose as if the very walls whispered secrets of personal growth and transformation.

"You know the owner built this house in 1789 and for generations, they have kept this house in perfect condition" the old lady suddenly spoke up

"Where will we sleep?" Amelia asked

"Oh in a women's side of the house, since we haven't had visitors in a long time you'll have more than enough room," she says as she leads us through the kitchen and up the stairs into the rooms.

"At 4 o'clock I'll make sure everyone will be in the dining room to meet you two" and she leaves. I look over to see our things sitting in the middle of the room.

"Did we just hit the jackpot or something? I mean cute boys, a beautiful house, a big room" Amelia says

As my eyes wandered around the room, taking in the captivating atmosphere, they eventually landed on a window. Perched upon a sturdy branch of a nearby tree, a raven sat majestically, its dark feathers glistening in the gentle sunlight.

But then I get a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach, I read somewhere that ravens symbolize loss and ill omen. The more I stare at it and the more it stared at me I start realizing how bad this is. I quickly averted my gaze, unable to withstand the unnerving intensity of the raven's stare.

It's just my nerves, that's all. Nothing more. Maybe what I read was wrong.

I start putting my things up and before I knew it was 4 o'clock and we were heading downstairs to meet everyone.

I saw over twenty people ranging from old to young and we all said our hello's and made small talk but one guy stood out to me, it was a little weird the way his eyes never left me. 

Towering above the others, he possessed an imposing height that commanded attention and was wearing a crisp white shirt, the fabric hugged his frame, accentuating his well-defined muscles

Eventually, the old woman pulled me over to meet him, she was stronger than she looked.

"Allow me to introduce Dean," the old woman declared, her voice carrying a tone of familiarity. "His father is the owner of this retreat." Her words held a sense of reverence as if Dean's lineage bestowed upon him a certain status within this secluded haven.

His features were strikingly distinct, possessing an allure that seemed out of place in this remote location. It was as if he had been plucked from the pages of a glossy magazine or cast from the glimmering lights of Hollywood, rather than finding himself confined to this middle-of-nowhere retreat.

It was a little weird, I reached my hand out to shake his and he delicately grasped my hand and brought it to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss upon my skin.

"Hello there, I apologize for my rudeness what is your name?" he asks, speaking with a bit of a southern accent.

"My name is Y/N L/N, and her name is Amelia Wilson" As I gestured toward Amelia, I noticed a peculiar shift in his gaze. It was as if his attention remained solely focused on me, disregarding her presence entirely.

"Y/N..." he repeated, his words trailing off in a low, almost suggestive tone. The way he lingered on my name sent a slight shiver down my spine as if there was an underlying meaning to his intonation. A brief thought crossed my mind that he might be flirting with me, but I quickly dismissed it as my mind playing tricks.

"Well then Y/N I really hope you like it here. Please if there's anything I can help you with, don't hesitate to ask" he says, in a very low tone. His statement, seemingly polite on the surface, carried an undertone of veiled intentions. It left me with an uneasy feeling, a sense that there was more to his offer of assistance than met the eye.

I glance towards Amelia for help but she was to see she was too busy talking to the guys who brought our things to the room. The rest of the day was filled with small talk and trying to avoid Dean as if my life depended on it.

As I was walking up to our room I see Amelia sitting on her bed smiling at me like a Chester cat

"Dont think I didn't see that"

"That guy is weird," I say, walking to my bed and taking my shoes off

"You think anyone flirting with you is weird, but dont worry I will help you, even if you dont want help"

"Alright alright, I'll try to appear normal"

"On another note, did you see those guys and how buff they were? I mean not even our football team can beat that" she said, rambling on. I was just glad she wasn't talking about that guy.

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