Love me!

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I entered the cozy cabin.

"I wanted to be alone with you," he muttered.

"Did you? You're always alone with me."

"Not like that, more alone. The stress of the place is giving me a headache," he says softly. "I decided to take you to this place."

He moves closer to me, and I instinctively move away.

"Why are you rejecting me? Did I do something wrong?"

I wanted so badly to tell him what I heard, but I didn't.


His face suddenly shifts from concern to anger. "Why are you constantly pushing my love away?"

"...I'm not, but..." I try to stutter out as I notice him slowly turning angrier and angrier.

"Why dont you love me? Huh?" he spat out as if he demanded an answer, his anger palpable in the fiery intensity of his gaze. The room seemed to tremble with the weight of his unspoken frustration. "my heart beats solely for you and you just seem to ignore it"

I didn't know why I hadn't noticed it at first, but his messy hair, tangled and disheveled, mirrored the chaos within him. 

His voice, once tender, now carried the edge of resentment, each word cutting through the air like a blade. Everything about him seemed off

"My love, answer me," he muttered with a desperate plea, his voice a low growl as he closed the gap between us.

"I love you more than anyone else in your life, more than anyone you've ever known," he declared, his arms enveloping me in a tight hug, as if trying to anchor me to his words.

"I can be the family you've never had; stop pushing me away," he implored, the sincerity in his voice tugging at the edges of my doubts.

My face was buried into his chest as he held me, the rhythmic beat of his heart becoming a hypnotic lullaby. In that embrace, I could feel myself slipping into the comforting embrace of his persuasive lies.

"Just love me, let me love you," he muttered again, his words a soft echo, weaving a complex web of emotions that threatened to entangle my heart.

After that i felt like i was walking on egg shells, it felt like Dean was far more unhinged than usual.

He working quietly on his laptop as he put on a movie for me to watch, he kept answering calls and snapping on anyone who spoke to him.

"Darling, im sorry you had to hear that but lets relax now" he comes over to me, his hair had fallen over his face and he sat beside me,

The movie played as i could feel Dean's eyes burning into the side of my head. He leaned into me

"Your so pretty when your like this" he muttered

"You seem more stressed than usual"

"Leave for a day and suddenly people dont know how to do two things at once" he sighs out, he leans into the crook of my neck

Is he smelling me?


I kept watching the movie until he suddenly start taking my shoes off

"Hey I can do that"

"No no let me"

I couldn't even get a word out before he was shoving pajama's in my face

"Go change"

I went into the bathroom and changed and when i came out her carried me to the bed and had a glass of wine next to the bed

"Why are you doing this?"

He looked at me with dazed eyes, "i just want to"

"Uh... ok"

"Please accept my love... all i want is you" he leans in to kiss me again, "i just want you to love me, only me... the things i would do for you..."

But then, a sudden knock at the door shattered the tender atmosphere, and his eyes underwent a rapid transformation from a gaze filled with love to one consumed by anger.

Abruptly, he shot up from his seat, his movements carrying an undercurrent of fury as he marched towards the door. The air crackled with tension, and the room seemed to vibrate with the intensity of his emotions.

Almost as if fueled by his rage, he reached the door and, with a force that bordered on violence, nearly ripped it off the hinges.

"Sir pleas-"

"Get them out of my sight, now" he said, in a voice containing his anger. He slammed the door closed before walking back towards me and pulling me into a hug.

He was shaking with anger. "Please... just stay here for a while"

It seemed as if something else was going on,

"You can never leave me... never" he mumbled

The following day showed a slight improvement as a few acquaintances dropped by, faces I recognized from occasional encounters. 

We gathered, engaging in conversation until the atmosphere took a turn towards the escalating tension.

"I mean, it feels like if I breathe wrong, someone has a problem," a girl voiced, capturing the shared sentiment in the room.

"To be honest, Dean's been a little off lately," I admitted, noticing a subtle exchange of glances among the three girls present. "Someone knocked on our door last night, and I thought he would've turned violent."

"Yeah... everyone's been so on edge," another added, echoing the collective unease in their voices.

"Any idea why?" I inquired

"Not really, no, but..." one girl hesitated, glancing around before leaning in close with an air of secrecy. "Rumor has it, a girl ran away... and no one knows where she is."

The weight of the unspoken details hung in the air, and I processed the gravity of the situation. "That's..." I began, but the sudden sound of a door closing interrupted my train of thought. 

Swiftly, I changed the topic to something mundane. "No, but who would name their child that?"

The girl looked at me with a momentary confusion before the others caught on, and a collective agreement formed. "Right? It should be illegal to name your kid something that stupid."

And then Dean came into view out of the corner of my eye, leaning against the wall and staring intensely.

"I'm sorry but if I got into an argument with someone named Fruit i won't take them seriously"

"But unconscious would be a cute girl's name if the meaning was something different"

"Yeah we gonna have to change your kids' name secretly"

He suddenly walked over "Darling?" he called out


"Ill be gone for today, just hang out with your new friends ill be back around 11" he leans in and plants a kiss on my cheek

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