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I bided my time, waiting until he left before pressing for more information.

"Tell me more," I urged.

"Apparently, she was supposed to be here on a trip with her parents, and one of the founder's sons took a liking to her."

"Founders?" I questioned, seeking clarity.

"You know about the guy that made this place?" she explained.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Well, when you're a higher-up member, making bigger payments, you get leveled up in the church. Even though his son put a stop to it, the higher members still have a big connection."

"Jesus," I muttered, absorbing the implications.

"It was rumored the dude was brutal and almost a dictator... and some say he was extremely nice, almost too nice to her, like he was a whole different person."

The revelation struck a chord, resonating with a familiarity that sent shivers down my spine.

"Sounds kinda... so what happens if she is found?"

"Probably dragged back"

"But you said she had parents, why didn't they help her?"

"I heard the founders son took him out, but some say that they sucked into the whole thing and gave their own daughter up"

I stayed quiet as they chatted among themselves

"You guys seem like the only ones with there head on straight... how did yall end up here" I asked

"Oh born into it, dont really know much else"

"Married in it, A huge farmer girl promised me id never be alone... guess she was right, how about you?"

Do i tell them?

"Well... its kinda a long story"

"Trust me we dont have nothing but time"

"Uh i came here for a college break, the guy you saw was Dean" that sentacne silenced the room "he just never seemed to let me go"

"The Owners son Dean?"


"Holy crap no wonder you dont know anything, i mean it seems the rumors are true, he does keep his little princess locked up in a tower"

"Cant really leave, not like i have a choice"

The door creaked open again, and I heard a familiar voice. "Y/N?"

"Amelia?" I exclaimed.

My gaze shot towards her, and I almost jumped into her arms.

"Just dropping her off, have fun, girls," she said, giving us a knowing smile. I casually glanced out of the corner of my eyes to see one of the guys she was with starting to leave. However, my attention sharpened as I noticed him lock the door from the outside.

Did he just lock us in here? The realization hit me, and a sense of unease crept into the room.

"We're all in here," one girl called out from the living room.

Amelia, with a puzzled expression, asked, "Who are y'all?" as we walked into the living room.

"Just some gossipers talking about how we got into this mess," one of them joked. "Sandy," she said, offering her hand.

"I'm Amelia."


"Tammy, and that there is the Dear Y/N we've been chatting with about how she got with the owner's son."

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