Chapter 57 | Pretty When You Cry

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A/n: Buckle up guys. It's ending soon 😍😍.

*second person p.o.v.*

You sat alone in the dark. Well, that's all your vision allowed you to see anyways. You couldn't make a proper analysis on where you were currently.

But you knew you weren't in your own body. So was this the afterlife? Had you finally made it?

"My dear child, what's wrong?" Your head snapped in the direction of the voice. That voice belonged to your father.

"Father?" You gasped. You began to search for him, and then felt a pair of frail hands grab ahold of yours in the most gentlest touch.

"You've grown to be a wonderful girl, Y/n. So why have you given up? What happened to that smile I've always adored?" His hand cupped your face, and you felt yourself begin to cry.

"Father!" Your arms wrapped around him, and embraced his fragile body.

"You're strong. You're very strong. And you need to be strong for Tanjiro and Nezuko." Gentle fingers raked through your soft hair as you cried.

"Tanjiro's gone... and I couldn't do anything about it. I couldn't protect him, I have no reason to live anymore." You said.

"No, no. You did everything you possibly could. That's why he's alive now, and Nezuko is no longer a demon." You raised your head from his chest with a look of shock.

"Then... it's alright if I stay here, right? With you? And-" Your father gently stopped you. "It's not your time yet. You must live. You will live. You're going to live to see another day." He said.

"I know your struggles, my child. I've seen them. But that is what makes you strong. Perhaps you should hear this from the person you need to hear it from the most." You were confused. Who was he talking about?

"You're not leaving, right? Please don't go, father. I... I can't do it." He leaned down and kissed your forehead, giving you a reassuring pat on the head.

"I'll always be with you no matter what, Y/n. I love you." And then, all that was left of him was a lingering touch.

You buried your face in your hands and began to cry again. If he wanted you to go back so badly, why were you still stuck here?

"Y/n!" Wait... that voice-

"Kyojuro?" You whispered. You were pulled into another embrace, except it was warmer. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" He laughed.

"What... what are you doing here?" You asked. "To see you of course!" Kyojuro chirped. "What for?" You asked again.

"To talk to you!" His responses were upbeat and blunt, and it reminded you of the conversations you had with him while he was still alive.

You softly laughed and nuzzled your face into his embrace. Kyojuro grinned down at you and rested a hand on the back of your head. "You've become a hashira while I was gone, right?" You nodded in response.

"I'm glad you've progressed this much!" Finally, the two of you pulled away. "Listen, I don't have much time left to speak with you." His large hands cupped your cheeks gently.

"I know you have followed my words up until now. But you've turned against them after what happened to your brother." Kyojuro's thumb traced over the delicate skin covering your eyes. His thumb went over your eyelashes, and then wiped the tears from your cheeks.

"You may not be able to see me now, but I'm truly happy, Y/n. You've done nothing but help your siblings and others without any regard for yourself." He said.

"Kyojuro..." You muttered. "But you need to wake up. Your heart needs to beat once again. So set your heart ablaze one last time. Let it burn like a flame." One of his hands stayed cupping your cheek, and the other was over your chest, right where your heart was.

Kyojuro saddened when he couldn't feel it beating. He had to start a flame, one to keep your heart going.

"Tanjiro and Nezuko need their big sister. And you need them. Be selfish and live for yourself, do things just because you want to. Don't live for others. Live because you want to. Live, Y/n. It's your life, your choice, your decision. Don't give up yet, and go back to see everyone again. Greet them with that pretty smile of yours. For me, okay?" He said, his voice soft and gentle.

"...Okay." You smiled, "Thank you, Kyojuro. I'll... I'll live. I'll stay alive." Kyojuro's smile widened into a toothy grin.

"There she is. That's my girl- my strong girl. Live your life to the fullest and enjoy it. You have nothing more to worry about." Kyojuro's gaze was soft. His eyes trailed across your face, admiring you before you left.

He watched as tears welled up in your dull eyes. "You look so pretty, even when you cry." Kyojuro whispered. It was something he always wanted to say, and it was something he always thought of whenever he saw you crying.

"You're making it harder for me to make up my mind on whether to stay or go back." You joked, sniffling a little.

"You need to go back, Y/n." His thumb rubbed your cheek. "You'll see me later, okay?" Kyojuro cooed, his voice soft. Then, he slowly began to pull away.

"But hopefully I don't see you too soon, yeah? I'll be waiting for you!" He chuckled, and then it was silent. Slowly, soft thumps replaced the emptiness and warmth spread through your body, like a flame.


"She's alive! Y/n's heart- I can feel it beating again!"



(945 words)

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