Chapter 08

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Scott looked at me, surprised. "You want to help him?"

I scowled, crossing my arms. "Of course I do! He's my best friend."

Before Scott could respond, a black car drove forwards and parked where the police car had been moments before. The window was rolled down enough for us to see the driver. He looked a few years older than us, with pitch black hair and a killer leather jacket. Brown tinted sunglasses covered his face as he leaned forward.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"Derek," Scott answered, not taking his eyes off the Alpha.

Derek ignored me as he made eye-contact with Scott. "Get in."

Scott glowered at the man. "Are you serious? You did that!" he pointed in the direction the police car had gone. "That's your fault.

Derek gave me an alarmed look, no doubt because he thought I didn't know, but Scott waved an impatient hand in the air. "She knows."

Derek raised his eyebrows. "Oh, so you're just telling random girls about all this now?"

Scott seethed. "It's not like that, and that's not even the point. That-" he pointed in the same direction again. "-is the point, because it's all your fault."

Derek sighed, taking a moment to look away from Scott. "I know that. Now get in the car and help me."

Scott was already shaking his head, while I watched on in silence. "No, you know what, I've got a better idea. I'm gonna call a lawyer-" Scott started walking down the stairs and I trailed behind him cautiously. "-because a lawyer might actually have a chance at getting him out before the moon comes up."

"Not when they do a real search of the house," Derek retorts.

"What do you mean?"

Derek glared at me for speaking and I shifted on my feet uneasy, though he still answered my question. "Whatever Jackson said to the cops-" Derek cut himself off, taking a frustrated breath. "Whatever's in the house is worse. A lot worse."

He followed his words by opening the car door, giving Scott a pointed look as he waited for him to enter. Scott, looking conflicted, glanced around the school before looking at me. He gave me a half smile. "You should go inside Y/n."

"I want to help," I said, surprising myself.

Kate had always told me werewolves were bad, and I'd believed her, but I still wanted to help Isaac even while knowing he was a werewolf. It confused me, but I didn't take back my statement.

Scott glanced at me distractedly from where he was already getting in the car. "Talk to Stiles."

And then he was gone, the car driving off at an alarming speed. I glared at the back of it, annoyed at being left out, before eventually turning around and walking back inside. I needed to find Stiles, because I was determined to help Isaac somehow.

The only problem was, I couldn't find Stiles. For the rest of the day, he somehow evaded my searching, and so I was forced to sit with Allison and Lydia and act as if nothing was wrong. I wanted to ask Allison if she knew Isaac was a werewolf too but decided against it on the off chance that she didn't.

I was on my way to my last class, eyes frantically scanning the crowd of students for a certain buzzcut, when I found Jackson instead. My blood boiled just looking at him, and I gripped my backpack tighter. He was strolling around without a care in the world, like he hadn't ignored Isaac's abusive father for years.

I could feel my anger getting out of control, could feel my grasp on my emotions slipping, so I did the only thing I could think of to release my anger without using my newfound powers.

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