Chapter 29

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I woke up to pain.

I could feel my arm throbbing, each second passing with another sting. It wasn't as painful as it had been though. It was more of a dull ache, something I'd be able to ignore if I had something to distract me.

Slowly, I opened my eyes, wincing at the sharp light. It took me a few moments to adjust, but when I did I recognised I was in the girl's locker room. I carefully sat upright, feeling a twinge in my arm.

The first thing I saw aside from the room was Isaac, sitting across from me on a bench, close but not too close, eyes scanning every inch of me carefully before resting on my face.

"You're awake," he said, relief lacing his tone.

I looked around again. The locker room was empty. "What happened?"

"You lost a lot of blood," Isaac said slowly. "You lost consciousness. Melissa said you might not even survive it to the hospital. Then you started.... glowing."


Isaac nodded ruefully. "Yep. You started glowing and kind of subconsciously healed yourself? I think, I'm not one hundred percent sure how this witch stuff works."

I laugh humourlessly. "Me neither. I didn't even know I could do that."

I touched my bandaged arm, feeling a stronger ache but nothing more. It was strange, going from intense pain to nothing to this. Magic would always confuse me, I think, regardless of the fact I was a witch.

"Where's Scott?"

Isaac glanced at the door. "He's in the boy's locker room with the other players, getting debriefed."

I started getting up. "We need to go to him, see what we need to do."

I was stopped by a pair of hands, Isaac keeping me in a sitting position. "Woah, woah, Y/n, are you sure you're okay to walk around?"

"I'm fine."

Isaac gave me an unimpressed look. "That's what you said last time and then you ended up collapsing from blood loss."

I looked away guiltily. He had a point.

"I promise I'm fine. My arm barely even hurts anymore."

Isaac stared at me for a moment longer before relenting, taking a step back and letting me get up. I felt a bit woozy at first, balance a far-fetched idea, but eventually the world stopped spinning and I managed to walk without falling over. After that Isaac and I entered the boy's locker room, none of the players seeming to give a shit that I was in there.

We made a beeline for Scott, finding him just as he shut his locker. He turned around and, upon noticing me, surged forward and wrapped me into a hug. I was surprised at first, but quickly returned the embrace.

"You scared me Y/n," Scott murmured into my ear.

I smiled sheepishly. "Sorry about that."

He gave me a once over and, when he was satisfied I was no longer at risk of collapse, brought me into another quick hug before letting go. Before we could say anything else Noah Stilinski walked up to us, all three of us alert.

He gave us a nod and started updating us on events. "I've got to meet with the medical examiner and try to figure out what happened with Jackson, I've got an APB on Stiles-"

"What happened to Stiles?" I asked, panic seizing me.

Noah looked at me with a frown. "He's missing. Didn't you know?"

I immediately felt guilty. "No, I uh, I was in a bit of shock after Jackson."

Concern flashed over his features. "Do you need anything? The hospital is only a 20-minute drive away if you feel you need it."

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