Chapter Fifty-two

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Zemela's POV:-)

When I woke up I prayed desperately for whatever happened the day before to be just a bad dream and a nightmare-but we don't get everything we pray for. If we did get whatever we pray for, I would have been living a happy life with Bryson Griffin instead burning from the inside out.

A knock on my door arranged my scattered thoughts for me. "Come outside Nifemi" my dad said from behind the door.

"Okay sir" I replied, my head was on fire but I still managed to get out of bed in one piece.

How can I deal with heartbreak in a house that doesn't even allow me date?

From my dad's expression I knew I was in trouble so I braced myself up for whatever it was that was to come.
"Sit down" he said.
"Good morning sir" I greeted him.

"Just because you're grandparents spoke to me the last time and I listened doesn't give you the right to behave as you please!" He started.

"Where were you last night?" He asked me.
Pamela and I hadn't spoken that morning so I didn't know if he knew all the truth.

When I didn't respond he continued, "you're friends thought they could lie to me abi?"

I shook my head.

"You went for your school's part yes or no?" He asked.
"Yes sir" I nodded.
"Who gave you the permission to go?"
I shook my head, "nobody sir"
"The shift you had at work was lie?"
I nodded, "yes sir" I didn't feel the need to lie because I was already going through alot, I didn't mind him adding his own.

"You are becoming something else Oluwanifemi! And it would not happen on my watch" he ended the sentence with a slap on my cheek.

"I'm sorry sir" I apologized.
"You want to become of the world abi? How old are you? What have you achieved in life?" Another slap on my cheeks, his belt was in his hand already.

"You would not be a disgrace to me oh! If you want to be like your mother go and meet her in the grave" he whipped me.

"Send me to the graveyard then! Kill me! Kill me like you killed her and maybe then you'd have peace of mind! Just do it! I'm tired already! Do it!" I didn't know where the confidence, the voice, and words came from but I said it before I knew it.

My dad chuckled, whipping me he said, "who are you talking to? I am your father you bastard!"
"Are you? Are you really my father? I don't think you are my father because if you are there are lots, LOTS of things you would have done for me and lots of things you wouldn't do to me. You are just a monster in disguise of a father!" I yelled ontop my lungs.

Whipping me on my head severally he said, "you would shut up! Evil child!"
"Like father like daughter abi?" I asked him using his tone. Annoyed I held his leather belt, "I have had enough of all these nonsense. You want to send me back to Nigeria? Send me back. You want to stop me from schooling? Stop me. I don't care! Not anymore, I've tolerated so much from all of you!" I yelled, breathing heavily I slowly released his belt and walked back to my room with shaky feet.

Pamela was already in my room, I fell against the wall and started crying.
"What did I just do?" I asked her.
"You stood up for yourself" she said sitting beside me.

Hugging me she said, "you shouldn't think of what's happened, he needed to hear the truth"
"I am in so much trouble" I cried, "Christmas would be bad"

"He won't kill you, that I'm sure of. He'll just stop you from ever going out apart from school, maybe"
"What happened yesterday?" I asked her.
"He wasn't at home when you came back. So an enemy of yours, you know who, must have told him"

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