[10] Irrelevance

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Clarissa peered out the balcony of her room that evening as the sun was beginning to set. Her day started off with a pink sunrise, but is ending with a usual somber dusk. She watches men unload boxes and bring them in.

Vixen glances up at where her room would be and notices her, he waves and beckons her to come over to where he stood.

"Clarissa! Astaroth had Orias bring in loads of materials for us over at the smithy. Did something happen while you two were away?" He asked once Clarissa came down to see him.

"Nothing of importance."

The man sighs. "Shall we walk? The weather is great right now and I want to hear the unimportant parts." His eyes shifted once again to the necklace.

Clarissa nods her head and the two begin their walk outside the castle.

"I believe I haven't thanked you for that drawing you made for me yet." She remembers. "Thank you, it made me feel better that day."

"Oh so you knew it was me." Vixen chuckles awkwardly.

"It wouldn't have been anyone else."

The leaves of the trees rustled, and some greenery fell to the ground before them with every step they took. Mother nature is gentle tonight, caressing the world where clouds slept and only the glowing sky was above.

"That necklace, did you always have it?"

"Astaroth gifted it to me. I had him go get me new clothes, and he got me this as well."

"It suits you."

He knew it wouldn't be simple to get words out of Clarissa, he badly wanted to know what happened between her and Astaroth. He'd never imagine Astaroth would be the one he's jealous of.

Why does she talk more to him than to me? What makes him better?

These types of questions were truly uncharacteristic of him to think.

How do I keep our conversation going? It's like she's not interested in talking to me at all?

"Clarissa, what do you think of Astaroth?"

"He's nice."

"And what do you think of me?"

"You're nice too."

Her response was awfully disappointing to him.

"What do you think of Katherine?"

Clarissa pauses, opening her mouth and closing it until she responds.

"She's... Nice."

"You don't have to hide your thoughts from me Clarissa. Do you not like Katherine?"

"I don't like painfully naive people."

The wind blows a little stronger, a leaf falls onto Clarissa's head and Vixen picks it off. This one is dried up and pale, compared to the vibrant green of fresh leaves.

"It's like her." Clarissa comments.

Vixen pitied Katherine for getting compared to a dried up leaf. For some people it could be a compliment, or an allegory to age, but the lady clearly didn't mean in a good way.

"Vixen! Clarissa! What are you two talking about this fine evening? Or perhaps, are you two on a date? Am I ruining something? Oh my I'm sooo sorry if that's the case!" An overly-enthusiastic voice chimes in.

"N-no! We're definitely not on a date no. Just having an evening stroll!" Vixen shakes both hands.

"Aww unfortunate. Well I'm here now to make this evening a splendor for you both with just my magnificent presence!" Orias raises his arms to the air.

"Shut the hell up, your presence is going to attract vultures." Astaroth glares at him.

"Tsk. Grumpy weirdo."

Vixen appeared disappointed that the two came over to ruin their evening stroll. Instead of alone time with Clarissa, these two have to be here.

"What brings you guys all the way out here?"

"This idiot suggested we eavesdrop your conversation." Astaroth motions to the duke who then hurried to hide behind a tree.

"He's making things up! I'd never intend to eavesdrop on friends."

"That's fine. I already noticed you sneaking up on us five minutes ago." Clarissa watches Orias react dramatically.

"I told you your plan was stupid."

"Why did you want to eavesdrop anyways?" Vixen asks.

"You know why!"

Vixen knew why, but Clarissa did not. She didn't care to know either.

"And you ruined it for him Orias. We all might as well head back now and hope you don't ruin it the next time he gets a chance." Astaroth snickers at the guilty duke and the four begin walking in the direction they came from.

"While you two are here. May I ask why we have all these materials brought in suddenly?" Vixen asks Astaroth and Orias.

"Because of me Clarissa had to abandon all her crafts. To make it up to her I asked Orias for materials."

"What exactly happened to make her abandon her crafts! You keep dodging me when I ask you this question Astaroth!" Orias whines.

Astaroth looks over at Clarissa.

"It's our secret."

"No fair! You're not supposed to keep secrets from us!"

"Stop crying like you're five you child-brained duke!"

"You both argue like children" Vixen intervenes and they both immediately fade to silence. "Astaroth and Clarissa do not have to share everything with us if they do not want to. Unless it is of importance."

He truly did want to know, like an itch that wouldn't go away. But this was his role to them. Impartiality, as much as he wanted to pry out of personal feelings.

Katherine saw them coming back while she was watching the sky from outside. She didn't realize she started clenching her fist once she saw Clarissa with the three.

They went on a stroll without her is what she thought.

The jealousy within her was starting to grow. But there was nothing she could do, because she felt that this is all she is.

A disappointment.

She comes from a line of heroes. Both her parents were well known warriors, so as her grandparents, and her ancestors. But she can't even lift a sword.

Her parents left to go on an adventure beyond the Golden kingdom, and because she is weak she remains here.

I'm sure my parents would've been happier if Clarissa was their child and not me. Orias and the others are happier because she is more useful.

I am only a burden to everyone.

So what happens if the heroine who was supposed to get character development remains insecure because of Clarissa showing up?

Katherine began fearing her irrelevance.

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