[38] Perfect Plan

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              They say the Horak's have a special gift from the gods that allows them to hear their voices. This led them to win their battles and earn their titles. Katherine's parents often told her of their gift, but she never heard the voice of the gods so she never believed them. Not until recently.

Quite rude of them to only speak to her now, she thinks. But the timing is just right.

After a long night of forcing her moans till her voice turned hoarse, Katherine still manages to get up early to put her plans into motion. She gets out of the bed to put on clothes and grab a bag, ignoring her snoring husband. He's old enough to wake himself up.

Orias for the past few days has been oversleeping constantly. He's been carefree, more an ass than ever; Vixen says Astaroth's death has spiraled the duke into a midlife crisis. The man is still ways off from being middle aged however.

Get the sharpest knife from the smithy.

The words repeated in her head.

While most still slept and only the sounds of birds could be heard chirping their little songs, Katherine hurries over to the smithy. She giggles excitedly seeing no one around. Nothing but the smell of metals and... metals. Some other things she couldn't describe.

Weapons were scattered, many stuffed in crates and many all over the place. Katherine takes a look around for any knife. "Do I have enough time to gather a bunch and determine which is the sharpest? I might raise suspicion if I make a mess." She approaches the stacked crates, peaking into the top one she sees a shining blade and pulls it out.

"This one looks sharp enough." The lady stuffs it into the small but thick bag she took along to hide it. Instead of leaving immediately, Katherine observes the place for a while longer.

Clarissa's workplace remains untouched. No one dared to move or put away the materials used or the weapons she left out ever since she started spending most of her time with Astaroth. The weapons she created were obvious because of how different her blades were decorated. It was more like an art than a weapon.

Katherine picks up the long, pointed sword and thrusts towards the air a few times. "So light!"

"Katherine?" A deep voice calls out.

"V-vixen!?" She drops the sword and falls back like a startled hen, wincing in pain. Her bossom didn't have much to protect her from a fall against a concrete floor.

"What brings you here so early?"

"I- I uh... I was." Katherine begins to fidget with the ends of her dress. "I..."

"You don't have to tell me if you aren't comfortable." Vixen extends his hand to help her up. The lady dusts the back of her dirtied outfit. "Clarissa's weapons are really amazing aren't they."

"There we go again with the Clarissa's amazing."

"Yeah... They really are."

"I wonder where she went, I hope she's ok. It's been four days already."

"I think she'll be fine. She's Clarissa after all!"

"Not after the face she made during Astaroth's send off. Now she's more like Sadrissa."

Katherine wanted to scoff, but she instead mirrors Vixen's slightly gloomy expression. "I'm uh, going to go back inside now. Orias might be looking for me."

"Alright." Vixen couldn't tell if the lady just randomly woke up and felt an affinity to weaponry and smithing or is just up to something. Should he care? He's always breaking his back for people but no one would do the same for him. Vixen glances at the crates as Katherine is already leaving.

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