[12] Soup Tears

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Vixen could hear small sobs coming from nearby, not long after the break till the final round began.

"Katherine?" He finds the lady soiling her dress with tears.

"I can't do anything Vixen! I'm so... Useless."

"Don't say that. No one is useless. Stay right there, I'm going to go get you some tissue and water." He leaves and promptly returns with the items.

"Thanks... You're so amazing, and kind... Unlike me."

"Stop comparing yourself to me, or others. You aren't me, you're you. No two loaves of bread are the same. And you're the kindest woman I know!"

"You truly think so?"

Vixen nods his head enthusiastically.

"Ok... There's still the final round left. I'll try my best..."

"You do know Orias is only letting you pass out of pity right?" Astaroth shows up.

"Astaroth!" Vixen glares at him.

"My bad, just trying to help our naive little princess."

"You are acting out of line."

Katherine begins to sob again, even harder. "Astaroth is right! I'm ruining this year's cooking contest..."

"Astaroth is just being his usual, mean self. But I'm sure that isn't what he meant! Right Astaroth?"

"Right." He roles his eyes and walks away. Ever since meeting Clarissa, his feelings toward Katherine have changed. He used to like her naivety, the urge to protect her, but now it felt irritating. Someone else was taking her place instead.

He spots Clarissa walking around the castle with her cookies, handing them to people without a word. It looked sweet and scary at the same time.

"Astaroth. Cookie." She shoves the plate at him.

"I'm glad there's some left for me." He takes four. "If you don't mind."

Instead of moving on to offer more people the cookies, she watches him take a bite. "Is it good?"

"It's very good. I'm surprised you know how to cook and bake."

"My parents taught me most basic life skills."

"Really? You always have something new to surprise me with. I'm looking forward for what you're going to make in the finals. I hope Vixen finally loses his streak."

"I will do my best. I must win. For Peter."

"For Peter?"

"He'll like me more if I prove to be a good chef."

"Ah... Haha..."

She hurries off to continue giving others cookies, until she eventually spots the still crying Katherine and Vixen. "Cookie for you two."

"Clarissa! Thanks!" Vixen takes one for himself and one for Katherine.

"See! It's so easy for you two to make cookies! My cookies probably gave Orias diarrhea!" Katherine sobs.

I think I'll leave these two alone right now Katherine walks away from them in an awkward manner

Not long after, it is time for the final round and the duke looks pale.

"Welcome back to the final round of this year's cooking contest. I hope you are all excited to see what these three have in store for us, because I am." He was clutching his stomach. "Sorry, I'm not sure if it was the pasta or the cookies. Anyways, like earlier Select your ingredients and return to your spots, once everyone is ready we'll start. There is a hour time limit for this round."

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