Chapter 14: Green hoodie

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"What is my Scrunchy doing here, Kyle? "

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"What is my Scrunchy doing here, Kyle? "

Her face had a suspicious look but i didn't miss her heavy breaths and flushed cheeks.

"That's not yours. " The words escape my mout without any hesitation.

"I just have one like this and I couldn't find it this morning. " She says in a slow voice.

"And? Well, there are so many scrunchies like that. You are not the only one who has it. "

"Right... But how did you get this? "

Why does she have to be so curious!?

"It belongs to an old friend of mine. " I move away from her.

Her face falls and she presses her lips in a thin line and nods.

I stare at her face which is always glowing.
A few strands of her brown hair falls on her face and I clench my fist holding back the urge to push them behind her ear.

"Oh.... Umm I guess I should leave now. " She says in a quite voice and hands me the green scrunchy.

My fingers touches her sparks erupts making me close my eyes and clench my jaw.

"Yes, you should go now. " I say trying to breath properly.

"Hope you liked my gift. I'll get going now. " She says looking everywhere but me and rushes out opening the door.

"Goodnight." I say before I could stop myself. She stops and turns back. She was shocked but then smiled at me.

"Goodnight, Kyle. " With that she walks away.

I exhale loudly and sit down on the bed.
I stare at the green scrunchy.

Flashback of the night I carried her home hits me. The words she whispered. The ways she hugged me. The way I carried her in my arms.
She doesn't remember any of it.

I was thankful that she didn't remember it but a small part of wanted her to remember that night.

"Well, we can't go there and get caught by her parents. If that happens let's just say that her parents would never let her go to any party, " Ava says looking at me.

We were in front of Vivan's house.

"She always keeps a spare key with her. She might have it in her purse. " Lily, nods at Ava's words and checks Vivian's purse.

To our luck the key was there. Ava looks at her phone and let's out a curse

"I have an emergency and I should get going. Carry her to her room and don't make any noise. " I adjust Vivian in my arm and she mumbles something.

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