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Faixa was peacefully laying on her bed, going through some baby dressing hacks on Instagram, she came across a cute chubby baby pic,"oh Allah ya saukemu lafiya, what kind of baby Are we gonna give birth to" she commented.

Just then she felt the urge to pee.

Getting to the doorstep of the toilet, She felt something liquidish flowing through her legs. She widened her big brown orbs

  "Omg my water broke.  Abdooooooool!!" Faixa shouted her husband's name.

"O boyyyy! He's not home. Where are the maids?!  I have less time, the pain is increasing". She said.

Just then, the respect she has for her mother escalated.

different thoughts started running through her mind; was this how our mothers suffered while giving birth to us? is this how it feels like, to bring a life into the world? After 9 months of minimum sufferings, so there's this maximum suffering and pain that is going to come? Kudos to our mothers who tolerated all our nonsense. Dama haka ake ji.

Then she let out a loud groan, all u could hear in the 53 square feet room was the sweet cry of a baby girl.




~Salaamu Alaikum, how're you all favs, hope u're all good cause if u're not, then definitely I'm also not.

~This's my first book and also first attempt to write so it's prone to mistakes✓typos.
~I really hope you'd give my book a chance for I promise I won't disappoint, insha'Allah.
~All u've to do is read, read, read and read and nothing else.
~ Only I would do the difficult, and u just have to give it a chance and insha'Allah it'll be worth it.
~Thank you.

Paky's out 🚶🚶

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