chapter 4

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Asmaa's pov...

...Finally done with our last paper, the happiness in me knew no bounds, though I'm gonna miss my classmates, teachers and my alone-time spot; none other than the palm tree.

My classmates were busy throwing papers as if it's their convocation ceremon. I won't even try it for i know the outcomes won't be good, especially that *ITK* (i too know) teacher, computer science tutor, he's always poking his nose into things that doesn't concern him, sooooo irritating...  He even walks like a giraffe, his head, before the legs.. nonsense...

"I sincerely appreciate your sharing in my special graduation day.

Thank you so much for taking the time to come to my graduation ceremony.

Words can't express how happy I was to see you sitting there when I walked onto the stage. You brought joy to my special graduating day.

There aren't enough words to express what your support means." Asmaa  thanked the senator and his wife, as she stood on the rostrum.

"And.... Thank you for your selfless contribution to my education through the highschool scholarship, I've never known I would get to further my studies, I've even began thinking, this was my last year in school for the rest of my life, but little did I know... Little did I know that, i-i (tears) would get to be in the senior section... I'll forever be indebted to you sir" she began to tear up.

"I'm honoured to have received this scholarship, I hope one day I'd be able to help students achieve their goal just as you have helped me... I'm proud that my future alma mater has such a strong and positive program as this to give back to its students. Thanks again..."

She wiped the tears that flowed freely to her cheeks.

A huge round of applause from the audience hit her ears hard, which sent shivers down her spine.

She never thought a day like this would come when she has to talk in front of thousands of people, she was extremely glad and surprised she didn't freak out.

What made her more courageous was the scholarship she was awarded.

"Wowww! What an amazing speech! We're so very satisfied with your speech, you're the best graduating student so.. we would want a motivating speech from you, to your juniors, aspire them asma'u"

Mr Sanusi, the exam officer said through the mic.

"Okay... Thank you so much for honouring me on this day...

My dear fellow students, and juniors of course, You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers.

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.

And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. This knowledge you're acquiring, will take you to great lengths, will be useful to your life, you'll not understand it now, till later.

when I was 6 years, I could vividly remember what my grandma told me about education, I know you would want me to tell you, but that's a story for another day as it's long, but let me summarise it. She told me that life without education is like tea without sugar, how do you feel when u're served a tea with zero sugar in it, not sweet right? So just imagine your life without education, when you see people going to school, and you wandering around the streets, or even hawking... How would you feel?

Make education a huge part of your life. You'll make your parents proud!

Invest in it.

Work hard and be a somebody in the future.

I wish you all the best. Thank you-." A huge round of applause filled the air.

She beamed widely.

Alhamdulillah. Was all she could say...!

Hey guysssss.
This's for compensation 👀
Gonna update in an hour.

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