Priest Wally X Demon Y/n (2)

404 16 10

July 28|2023


"That's the fifth time he's dropped that book since she's been in there!" Sister Julie whispered to Sister Sally and Sister Poppy,
"What could she be telling him?" Sister Poppy asked, their hushed whispers stopped when Father Howdy opened the door to his confession box, his face was flushed and beads of sweat ran down his face.

The other door to the confession box opened and out stepped Y/n, a content smile on her slips she hummed and waved as she passed the sisters, and when she was few enough away the girls scrambled toward Father Howdy.

"Father Howdy! What did she say?" Sister Sally asked, Father Howdy glanced over to you, across the church waiting for Father Wally, he pulled at his collar,
"Everything." The sisters gasped and looked back toward you, You were walking with Father Wally and he was leading you toward the garden exit.

"Are you going to tell Father Wally about what she confessed?" Sister Julie asked, the four of them watched as Father Wally and you walked out of the church, Howdy pulled at his collar again,
"I don't even remember all of it." Howdy turned away and Poppy stared at the doorway where You and Father Wally had gone through, she turned to the other two girls and asked a question that had been bothering her for the past hour.

"Did you see how she flinches when Father Wally touches her with the hand with his golden relic?"


You softly hummed as you walked the sacred grounds of the church gardens with Father Wally, you were affriad that you would go up in flames and be sent back to the underworld when you crossed hallowed ground, but to your surprise you were fine.

Even more so after seeing the look on Father Howdy's face when you confessed to your sins, granted you didn't tell him everything, but you made sure not to leave out any detail of the fun stuff.

You wondered how Father Wally would react to your sins, although he made you want to add more sins to the long list of sins you had done . . . Father Wally felt your stare and cast a look down at you, when your eyes met you felt your cheeks start to burn.
"Something on your mind?" He asked, you tore your eyes from his and looked around at all of the flowers and foliage.

"I'm troubled, Father, I've been feeling something that I've never felt before." You paused and sniffed a few of the roses from the large bushes that lined part of the walkway,
"Feelings can be troubling, what is it that you're feeling?" You began walking again and gave a soft shrug.

"I don't know, it's strange. I don't know what to call this feeling, it's definitely something I have never felt before. Maybe I need to see a doctor?" You wrapped your arms around your body, feeling cold Maybe I'm sick or something.

"Oh I doubt that," Father Wally gave a laugh and you felt it again, the two for you came to a gazebo near the edge of the garden. It was covered with bugle flowers and vines, the two of you entered and sat down on the white metal chairs underneath the shade of the flowers and vines.
"Why don't you describe this feeling to me, I bet I know what your feeling." You gave him a look and then shrugged, I'm at least one hundred years older than you, but why the hell not?

You sighed and rested you hand in your palm, and watched as butterflies and bees floated in and around the flowers,
"It's a completely absurd feeling." You traced your fingers over the designs in the metal table that sat between you and Father Wally.

"I feel like I'm floating, my head gets fuzzy and I can't think right. My stomach starts to do cartwheels and I feel like I can't breathe. It's almost like my heart stops, but I can hear it pounding in my ears." You let out a small gasp and looked up at Father Wally and shook your head,
"I must sound crazy, I'm sorry-" You began to get up, and Father Wally put his hands around yours, you paused and tried not to wince as the golden chain began to slowly burn your skin again.

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