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Number one,  so sorry for not updating for literal months

Number two I was struggling with my old iPhone bc it never had storage and I couldn't do anything on Wattpad

Number three I have a new phone, Samsung thank the gods, and barely logged on yesterday

Now onto the real reason for this chapter,

On the 1st of February I took it too far, and needed to go to the emergency room for stitches and staples, I was in there for over five hours and cried just as much as when I was pushing a human being from my body.

I have had a walking boot and crutches since then, and on the 15th I will be going back to get the surface stitches and staples removed.

I bet your wondering
"Shroomy what have you been doing since then? Definitely not writing" to that I say

Your right.

I haven't :(

I have been pretty much inside the house for a week straight, I've only been out twice and that was to celebrate 3 years of being together,and then a day or two ago to eat Chinese with one of my mother in laws and let her spend time with her grandbaby.

All I've really been doing is watching cartoons with my little one and really regret what I did.

Im not posting this to make you feel bad or try to get more followers, I'm posting this because I want you guys to know that depression is a bitch.

And if you are depressed, anxious, or going through anything please don't go through it alone.

Because maybe next time you hurt yourself and momentarily feel better, you might look down and see just how deep and damaging your self harm is doing.

Self harm is not the answer and it took me nine years to realize that. It took me going too deep to realize I needed help.

Not just talking to friends, but getting help from professionals.

I'm from Texas so the place I'm getting help is called West Texas Centers.

I know Wattpad reaches everywhere, and so does the help for mental health so if you really want the depression and anxiety to end or at least feel even the slightest bit better, reach out.

You're holding a device in your hands right now, that can give you unlimited names of places and people to help you with just a few taps of your fingers.

Get help before it's too late ❤️

With love,
Shroomy 🍄❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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