Chapter 5 No avoidance

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Blankly taking in what was laying in front of me, which is a rustic brown file document folder that possibly held the case I was unwillingly embarked in. Standing up and looking in her eyes— straight in them like an arrow while I get up and politely push the chair in. As she stands up the same time as me. Threatening stance.

"What are you doing?," she says then stands close to the door. Practically blocking me from leaving out. Not so frazzled or feared but yet I was ready to forcefully render her conscious at this point.

"What am I doing?," with an irked expression. I repeat what she said at issue, "I'm leaving and I don't want to take part of any of this—regardless of the money."Crossing my arms and walking closer to her. "Excuse me."

She backs up farther to the door and looks back, "You have no choice Kiera ..if you want to work with us and not against us you'll be alright, I'm asking you to cooperate and not make anything more hellish then it is."
The mula provoked my attentiveness if it hadn't I would of been out the door seconds prior. She wasn't stopping me.

"We'll cicumstaationally I can't, I'm supposed to be moving rather soon. Can't you find someone else for this role or whatever? I can 100 percent promise you I'm not the girl for it." Gradually taking steps closer to her.

"If you couldn't handle this you wouldn't be here right now, I can assure that Kiera." She says putting her hands up and taking  a step further then says, "All we're asking you to do is befriend her and bring her to us. Does that sound so hard?. It doesn't."

Taking a deep breath, "So if I bring you this girl Tess I'll be granted 80 grand?" taking a breath.

"Exactly," putting her hands down inside of her pockets and walking back to me. "That's all."

" Im 18 and I have a plans ahead of me? This money could really help my situation. I don't want to undergo
some crime."

"Kiera, chill out we aren't going to harm her or anything we just need bait that'll bring in Emmanuel. Emanuel is the guy we want not his 15 year old daughter." She begins clicking the pen inside of her pocket and walks towards the door opening it.

My discernment gives me a touch of risk but I just fell into something that I can't even imagine the outcome of. This occurrence is leading me to realize, every corner I turn ends up spinning back to where I was. Square one. Because no matter the effort I put into what I want, their happens to be an obstacle standing not just Infront of me. However, in every corner there's a wall— whether or not if I chose a different path to turn.

"Okay well I have somewhere to go.. I'll be at poetry night and we can talk." I say as I gather myself walking towards the door.

She hands me the file closely to my right shoulder—quite firmly while staring into my eyes creepily. "Read it and I'll see you later," she says then her tone turns from somber to graceful "Kay see you later love."

The faltering part of me wanted to tell her not to call me love but I rather leave and not make the conversation more than what it is. Walking back into the citrusy smell, elegant ambiance, and seeing Alex walking to me seemingly worried. "Ki, you good!?"
A fake smile beamed from me as he approached me closer—feeling my forehead and cuffing his palm on my face. "Your face is red. Are you okay— do you wanna go home?

"See you later Kiera," walking beside of me and uncomfortably placing her hand on my shoulder for a prolonged time. "Are you going to bring any of your poetry tonight?"

"Actually I don't know yet, I was just going to hear other people's work but maybe." I say while grabbing Alex's hand and walking away with a forced grin.

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