chapter fifteen

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The next morning she woke up with a headache. She must've fallen asleep or fainted, since she didn't remember anything after waking up from the nighmare. 

She got up from the bed, moving her hair from her face, and yawned. She noticed that the laptop was sitting on her desk, next to her phone. She couldn't remember putting it there. 

She walked to the bathroom. When she was about to opened the door, she heard a noise from the small living area there was in her room. She grabbed the first thing she could reach - a shirt for some reason - and slowly walked behind the wall. When she saw someone move in her field of sight, she started screaming, jumping as a reflex.

"WHAT WHAT WHO DIED" she heard Charles yell, scared. She brought a hand to her chest.

"YOU ALMOST GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK, I WAS GOING TO HIT YOU!" she yelled back. He glanced at the shirt in her hand.

"With that?" he questioned, eyebrow raised. She looked at the shirt.

"I don't know I might have strangled you or something" she scrunched her eyebrows together, shutting her eyes closed. A groan left her lips as her head hurt. "What are you doing here anyway?" she asked, as he guided her to the couch to make her sit.

"You don't remember calling me?" he asked, worried.

"Calling you? What are you talking about?" she asked confused, leaning back on the couch.

"Last night" he said. "You called me in the middle of the night, you couldn't breathe and you said you needed help. I came here and found you on the verge of fainting - again - because of a panic attack" 

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you" she said.

"I'm glad you did" he said, sitting on the floor in front of her. "You needed someone and you asked for help. That's good Alya"

"Yeah no I don't mean that. I mean that I didn't mean to call you" she watched as his shoulders stiffened. "I was supposed to call Max, he's the one I always call when these things happen. I'm sorry, I swear it's not personal. I must've clicked the wrong name"

"I don't understand. My name isn't even near Max's in alphabetical order" he said confused. She sighed, feeling sorry.

"I saved you as 'Moron' on my phone" she said with an apologetic look on her face.

"Of course you did" he replied, shaking his head. There was no emotion showing on his face. "I understand. I'm sorry my presence this morning disappointed you" he clunched his jaw, getting up from the floor and collecting his phone and wallet while walking to the door.

"No wait I'm sorry" she said, getting up form the couch. "I wasn't disappointed, just surprised. I couldn't remember anything and I'm sorry please stop walking" she said. Suddenly she started seeing black, and for a moment she lost balance - she probably got up too fast. 

Charles immediately turned around - as he heard that she had stopped talking - and caught her right before she could fall on the ground. Then brought her back to the couch.

"You gotta stop doing this, or I'll have to start using shitty pick up lines again" he said, with a light smile.

"Shut up" she smiled. "I'm sorry"

"It's okay, I'm sorry too. I get it, we're not even close. I should've doubted it in the first place" he offered her some water from the minibar. 

"Why did you come?" she asked. When she saw his questioning look, she spoke again. "As you said, we're not close. Why did you come here?"

"You scared me" he said, after thinking about it for a minute. "I didn't want you to faint like last time, and I thought I could try to help"

She snapped her eyes at him. "Last time?" she questioned. He stayed silent. "Charles? What do you mean last time?"

"The roof thing" he whispered, looking at the floor.

"That was you?" she asked surprised. He nodded. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"You didn't care who helped you, I had no interest in playing the hero part" he simply said.

"You actually came back there and helped me to my room? As a fainted person?" she asked, sitting up suddenly. He reached his hands forward, to make sure she didn't lose balance again. Then he nodded. 

"And why'd you do it then?" she asked. "We hated each other - not that now we like each other much more, but at least we can coexist pacifically. Why?" 

He looked down at her. "I'm not a monster, Alya. I never would've left you there" he simply said. She looked at him in the eyes, losing herself into them. Then he looked away. 

"I'm gonna go" he said. "You have to rest a bit more and then Daniel is picking you up for the house tour" 

She looked as he walked to the door once more - she had forgotten about Daniel and the apartment hunt. He glanced at her, opening the door. Then he walked out, and shut the door behind him. 

He was the one to bring her back in after the door to the roof shut. So it wasn't on purpose. That changed a lot of things.

He had been considerate, and had helped her even though he wasn't close to her. That was new. She was starting to realize that maybe he wasn't as bad as she thought. 

Yes, he had said shitty things to her - like the job one. And he had been mean to her after the kiss with Carlos. And he had been more distant than ever when she and Carlos had made up. So it wasn't just her. 

But it had been mostly her.

She tried not to think about it, to avoid feeling crappy all day. She got up from the couch and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower, before changing into something comfortable and heading down to the lobby, where Danny was already waiting for her.

As Daniel drove she looked out the window, spotting a Ferrari shirt in the traffic. She smiled instinctly, and realized that for the first time she wasn't thinking about Carlos in a brand shirt. 

She was thinking about Charles.

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