chapter twenty-eight

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"Come on Lya!" Lando was yelling, running in front of her.

"Fuck off! I don't have that much resistance for running!" She yelled back, stopping as she was panting.

That short man her best friend was had asked her to join him for a run. And she decided it could be a good idea since she needed to do cardio that day and didn't feel like going to the gym.

What she hadn't considered, though, was that her best friend was a trained Formula 1 driver, who had much more resistance than her.

Mile one, she was fine.

Mile two, she was sweating quite a lot.

Mile three, she was starting to feel tired.

Mile four, she was panting.

Mile five, she was cursing.

Mile six, she was dead. She laid on the ground, her chest rising and lowering at a high speed. Lando ran back to her, his breath light as a feather and no sweat on his forehead.

"I hate you" she said.

"You don't"

"Why are you my best friend?"

"Cause I'm awesome"

"What is wrong with you?"

"Many things I guess"

"Why did I agree again?"

"I have no idea"

"I'm never running with you again"

"Yes you are. Right now, by the way" he said. "We gotta go back home"

"Let me die here" she said.

"Don't be so dramatic"

"I'm not! I'm dying" she said offended.

"It's just six miles"

"It's just six miles" she mocked him. "Just six miles my ass, it's a death wish"

"You're exaggerating"

"Definitely not"

"If you get home first I'll buy you ice-cream"

"If I get home first I get home dead. No thanks"

"A new book?"

"Now that's appealing for the afterlife" she smiled. He laughed.

"Okay, fine, new book it is. I'll make that two if we start running right now" he said. "I'm hungry"

"That's because your crazy ass decided to go running at eleven thirty in the morning, which not only is one of the hottest times of day, but it's also very close to lunch time" she smirked, getting up. She let out a groan as she was feeling tired. "Okay let's go" she said, sprinting.

"I didn't think you'd actually start running like that!" he yelled.

"Well, surprise! That's what books do darling!" she smiled.

They got home - she was panting as if she had ran a whole marathon, while he was just slightly out of breath.

"You know where the guest bathroom is, go for it" she said, taking off her shoes.

"Will do" he said, copying her movements. "What's this?" he asked as he walked in the kitchen to get some water. He was pointing at a flower bouquet on her counter - tulips, her favorites.

"That would be an attempt to ask for forgiveness" she said, sipping from her water bottle. "Charles has been sending those everyday cause I've been ignoring him"

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