chapter twenty-six

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*author's note*
Soooo ready for the drama?


Months passed by in the blink of an eye, and Alya and Charles grew closer. They were considerable friends under all aspects now.

They had put aside what happened that day - they had talked about it in the end, but neither of them had the courage to do anything about it. They both suppressed whatever they were feeling, too proud to admit anything to themselves and to each other. 

And now they were just trying to enjoy each other's friendship as much as they could. 

They had spent Christmas Eve together, and Alya met his family for the first time. She spent Christmas day with Lando and his family. Then, for New year's eve they all spent a few days together in a cabin in the mountains.

It was Alya's birthday, at the end of March. She had rented a ballroom to celebrate her 21 years, and she was now waiting with Lando for their friends to get there. 

She was wearing a long red dress, with a V neck and a split on her right thigh. Her hair was down in waves, her eyes with just a bit of makeup. 

The music started as the first guests came in.

"Happy birthday girl!" Kika said excited, hugging her tightly.

"Happy birthday Lya" Pierre smiled, hugging her as well.

"Thank you" she smiled happily. 

As Lily, Alex, Max, Kelly, Daniel, Heidi ad the others came in, the scene was more or less the same. They were all wishing her happy birthday, she was thanking them and then they put their presents for her on the designated table. 

As she greeted Fernanda, one of her long distance friends, she saw him.

He was wearing a black suit, with a white button up and a loose red tie. He walked in, looking around. She was about to go say hi, when someone walked in behind him. 

He held hands with the girl. Alya's smile faded.

As he saw her, he waved at her and walked in her direction with the mystery girl. She was beautiful. She had long brown hair, brown eyes, and she was wearing a red dress as well; her posture was flawless - it looked like she was floating. Alya put on a polite smile.

"Hi, happy birthday!" Charles said, lightly hugging her - while still holding hands with the girl.

"Happy birthday" she smiled. "I'm Alexandra, but everyone calls me Alex" 

Damn, even her voice was perfect.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm Alya" she smiled.

"I've heard a lot about you" 

"Good things I hope?" she giggled.

"I only told her how annoying you are" Charles laughed.  She looked at him.

"Well, then don't believe a word he says" she told Alex. "Excuse me, I have to greet a few people. Please, help yourselves and enjoy the party" she smiled. "It was nice meeting you" she said, before walking away.

She grabbed Kika's arm as she was walking, dragging her away from Pierre. 

"Oh, okay" she said, stumbling. "What's happening?" she asked when they stopped in a corner.

"He shows up, without saying he'd bring a plus one, with a girl who's wearing the same color as me and he's so annoying!" she said, all in one breath.

"Who are we talking about?" 

then you flashed your green eyes at me || Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now