Chapter 1

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"Take this" Thalia said while holding out a tightly filled backpack. I quickly slipped it on without question. It slumped me down a little; this will no doubt slow me down.

I began taking it off, but Thalia shook her head at me. "You'll need that. It was food for the next few days, some clothes for the both of you, water, and some money" she stated. I nodded, knowing that I needed to bring the essentials to keep us alive.

Then, I did something that I haven't done in years. I hugged a person. "I cannot thank you enough for all of this" I said while tightly hugging the petite woman.

Thalia quickly responded and wrapped her arms around me. "I'm Luna. And Luna's are supposed to take care of our pack members. Now go. They won't be asleep forever"

I picked up my eight year old brother from the couch. Zeke stirred in his sleep, but didn't wake up. I held him close to my body as Thalia lead us out the house and through the forest.

We were walking for only five minutes, but we got pretty far from the house. "This is as far as I'm going. The border is a mile that way" Thalia said while pointing forward. She pulled out a few items from her pocket. The first was a small, black flip-phone. She slid it in my front right pocket. "Its a burner. I bought two. One for you, one for me. When both of you are safe, call this number" She held up a small piece of paper. I grabbed it and put it in my back pocket.

The last item made my eyes go wide. "I'm not taking that!" I hissed quietly, so no one would hear us. Thalia was thrusting the gun towards me, egging me on to take it. I quickly shook my head. "Its dangerous" I stated. Honestly, I despise the thought of hurting people. I think its just cruel. Whether the pain be emotional or physical.

"You might need it" Thalia retorted. "You need to protect yourself and Zeke. It has six silver bullets, don't waste them"

She's right. I'm going into neutral territory; meaning the land is filled with rogues. I can't let Zeke get hurt. I will die before someone touches a single strand of hair on his head. I sighed in defeat and grabbed the gun with my free hand. I made sure the safety was on before slipping it into the waistband of my jeans. 

"I know this is hard for you to do" I started. She's helping me leave her pack; as a Luna, it must hurt her. "But this is probably saving us" How ironic? Sending me off alone with a child- where people can easily get to us- is safer than being with my father, the Beta of our pack.

Thalia soothingly rubbed her hand down my arms. "Don't forget to call me" Thalia said sternly before kissing my forehead. "Good luck" she whispered. I watched for a moment as she walked away. The only mother-figure I had, the only person that cared for me, the only person that was willing to help me; left.

I held tighter onto Zeke as I began running through the trees. With my werewolf speed, I was at the border in less than three minutes. I calmed my breathing and my heart, knowing that I needed to run again. As soon as I passed the border, the pack would feel it- more importantly, the Alpha and Beta of the pack would feel it. I would have to run faster, so they don't catch me.

"Zeke" I said softly while shaking him awake. He slowly lifted his head off my shoulder and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. I gently sat Zeke on the floor and leaned him against a tree. I shrugged off the back pack to loosen the straps all the way. "Put this on" I told him. Zeke pulled the backpack on his arms.

Taking a deep breath, I shifted into my wolf for about the tenth time in my life. I shifted for the first time less than a year ago. I nudged Zeke with my head, and he got on my back. I slipped my legs through the arm holes of the backpack, so that it was buckled Zeke onto my back. Less than a minute later, Zeke's soft snores filled my ears. He must be exhausted.

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