Chapter 11

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Zeke pulled the two guys out of the room. I took deep breaths to calm myself. That guy covered my mouth. I don't even know who he is! He looks kinda familiar, but I can't think of his name. Zeke looked comfortable with them. Everything is just so weird and confusing.

My hand was tingly after I snatched it away from the blue-eyed man. He was gorgeous. He's an Alpha. I forced myself to follow the rules. I couldn't look into his eyes, I couldn't give into the urge to touch him. I had to call him 'Alpha' even though he continued to tell me his name was 'Caleb.' It was all just a test. I had to follow all of the rules.

However the man messed it up when he covered my mouth. I was supposed to accept my punishment. I was supposed to apologize, but he stopped me. Hopefully, Alpha and Beta wouldn't be angry. I tried to apologize, it wasn't my fault.

My heart was pounding wildly at the thoughts of Father punishing me. No matter what, I am supposed to follow the rules. I failed.

My eyes fluttered shut and visions filtered through. But they were like memories that I was re-living. "Oh" I mumbled. Everything makes sense now. My memory kinda disappears when I pass out. That's must've been what happened.

The door slowly opened and Zeke came inside with the Alpha. I will not fail this time. "Hey, Piper" the Alpha said softly.

Eyes down. No flinching. Use titles. Respect and maturity. Be professional. "Hello, Alpha" I mumbled. Shit. Speak clearly. I chanted in my head. Zeke sat next to me, and the Alpha sat at the edge of the bed.

"Piper, do you remember anything?" Zeke asked softly. Another flash of memories replayed in my head. We ran away. I disguised our scents. "What do you remember?"

I glanced up at the Alpha, surprised that he was already staring at me. I still don't know who he is. Just his presence scares me, all I know is that Zeke and I need to leave before we get hurt. I continued to look down at the blankets. "I will be in my office if you guys need anything. The doctor should be here any minute" the Alpha said with a sigh.

Once I heard the door close, I turned to Zeke. "We're rogues" I whispered. "Zeke. You need to get out of here. You know that pack are ruthless to rogues" I demanded. I'll find a way to distract the pack while he leaves. There is no way that Zeke is getting hurt because I got us caught. Although, I don't even remember getting caught, yet.

Zeke sighed. "We're not rogues anymore. Not all your memories came back. Just wait a day or two. You'll understand" he explained.

Confused, I knitted my eyebrows together. "There's more memories?" I hesitantly asked. So far, I think a few months worth of memories came back to me.

"You're missing four years" he said softly. Four years? That explains why he looks so much older. Damn, I'm stupid. My brain couldn't put two and two together.

"So who's those two guys?" I questioned. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. The man who covered my mouth came into the room with a short woman behind him.

The lady smiled at me and walked towards the bed. "Hi. I'm Kaley, your doctor" she greeted me. Kaley reached forward and I instinctively flinched away. "Oh! I'm sorry. Uh... I wasn't gonna hurt you. I was just grabbing this" she said while holding up a tube. "You shouldn't have pulled it out" she stated. Well, if you wake up and there's a needle in your arm, isn't it smart to rip it out. Someone could've been drugging me!

"Piper. This is Mason. He's our old Alpha" Zeke introduced me. That explains a lot. He seems like an Alpha, but I couldn't feel his power. But why isn't he an Alpha anymore?

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