Chapter 14.1

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It's been about an hour since I forced Mason and Zeke out of the room. They wanted to make sure that I was okay. Mason used the excuse of this being his room too; but I eventually got both of them to leave.

I told them that I was tired, and that I wanted to sleep. But honestly, I've just been staring at this wall for the past hour. There's nothing really interesting about the wall; I was lost in thought.

A lot of people came into my room to tell me that Caleb made a mistake. But all of them said the same thing. Don't let one mistake ruin your relationship. Granted, we didn't have much of a relationship; however, I expected us to be together in the future. I mean, he's my mate. We should be together.

A knock pulled me from my thoughts. I opened the door to reveal my mate. I gasped and couldn't control my trembling hands. I noticed how his fists instantly clenched. His eyes were still blue, so fortunately he was in control.

"I need to borrow a duffle bag" he stated. I nodded and quickly went to find a bag. Mine is purple, so I'll just get one of Mason's. I moved around quickly, so he wouldn't lose control by being around me for too long.

I found the bag in one of his boxes. I don't know why he didn't use the bag to pack; but whatever. I went to the door to give Caleb the bag, but he was leaning on the wall opposite my room.

"Don't" Caleb stopped me as I was about to walk out the room. "Just throw it to me" he said in a pained voice. I felt a pang in my chest as I threw him the duffle bag. "Thanks"

He started to walk away, and I stuck my head out the door. "Where are you going?" I voiced my thoughts. If he needs a duffle bag, he's probably gonna take a trip.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda worried and sad. "To my room" Caleb answered. He actually sounded serious; it wasn't a smart-ass remark.

I sighed. "I didn't mean right now. Like, why do you need the bag?" I questioned.

Caleb slowly turned away and his blue eyes looked into mine. "I can't be here. I don't want to hurt you, again" he said softly.

A frown spread across my face. So he's leaving because of me. I opened my mouth to tell him not to go; but he was already gone. I sighed and walked back into my room. I softly closed the door and walked over to my bed.

"Maybe it's for the best" I whispered to myself. "He's better off away from me" If we're apart, our wolves could possibly become weaker. Maybe being away from me can make it easier to control his wolf.

Or what if he's not doing this for control? What if he hates me? What if he's leaving because he doesn't want to see me anymore?

I pushed the thoughts out of my head as I curled up under the comforter. "It's for the best" I said softly, before drifting off to sleep.


Waking up was absolutely pointless. I didn't have the motivation or energy to even get out of bed. Mason wasn't in our room; but after seeing the mess of blankets on the couch, I knew he slept here.

I felt like cuddling; so I grabbed a pillow and wrapped my arms around it. The pillow wasn't a great cuddler. I fluffed it and threw one leg over it; but I still wasn't comfortable. I groaned and threw the pillow off my bed. I coiled into a fetus position with my purple blanket on top of me.

Closing my eyes, I willed for sleep to take over. Unfortunately, I was still awake an hour later. I laid down with my legs stretched out and stared at the ceiling. My thoughts were suddenly all about Caleb.

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