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Chapter 7:

Lost in my thoughts I find myself walking, not knowing where. I walk around, with no place in mind. I head to the forest, drawn like a magnet. I close my eyes and listen to the trees whisper and the grass swaying. I walk and walk and walk When all of a sudden there is complete silence. No sound reaches my ears, neither whisper nor grass sway. I open my eyes...

Darkness... complete darkness surrounds me... All of a sudden the light comes, warmth comes through me and I find myself in a meadow. I see the woman from my memory... My Mom. She is arguing with another woman, but then she collapses. She Cries and begs.

"Please... please I know our people need help, but not this, please not this. "

"Selene, there is no other way. The last time, we tried putting two of our people together and you know how that turned out. They need someone from our two worlds to stop this war... You and I stopped fighting decades ago and they need to stop too, if this peace is to last."

"I know, but..."

"No buts! You know I love her too... It's all my fault she was picked for this." The woman drops into my mother's embrace... and they cry.

I can't move. I want to yell, but my mouth will not open. Darkness surrounds me once more...

"Ah," I gasp for air. That dream felt so real. I wonder if it was a memory. If it was a memory, who was that woman?

I get out of bed and prepare for my day. I need to start training. Yesterday a lot happened and I don't understand exactly what is happening, but I know that something is going to happen and I need to prepare myself.

"BANG. BANG. BANG." I hear Sara's wolf trying to speak to me in my mind. "My human wants to speak to you. She has questions that I cannot answer."

"You think I can answer them?" She leaves my mind before she can hear my response. "Ugh"

I head outside of my room, only to see Sara there just staring at my door. "We need to talk." I start walking towards my office. She follows.

"What is going on Ayla? If you really are the Moon Goddess's daughter why are you here? This is insane."

"I think I am here because the werewolves are in danger and I need to bring peace to our species. I had a dream last night and I think it was a memory from when I was just a baby. I saw my mother talking to a woman and I think they were talking about sending me here. They said something about it being the only way to bring peace to their species. I think that they tried to bring peace before, but it failed, so they had no other choice."

"You keep saying 'they.' Who is the other woman?"

"I am not sure, but I think that she must be another Goddess. I also think that she truly did care for me, from the way she spoke."


"Okay? Only okay?"

"I don't entirely understand what is going on, but I will be here if you need any help."

"Thank you." She smiles in return. "Well I need to start training if I am going to do what I was sent here for. I need to figure out the extent of my abilities. Would you help me train?" She smiles wider.


I have been at this forever. -We have to keep working. What if we duel with one of the witches.- Oh my Goddess.... I completely forgot about the witches. Are they still here? What about CeCe? Thanks Artty!!!  I wonder if CeCe would know what to do.  I looked like she knew everything yesterday. I turn to Sara, who looks like an out of breath mess.

"Sara, I think we have been going about this the wrong way. I think we need the witches' help. Are they still here?"

"That makes sense... Yeah, they are still here, though I am not sure for how long. The one... James I think, seemed very against it." 

"Where would CeCe be?"

She closes her eyes. She is most likely mind linking. "Kitchen."

"Okay. Thanks for your help. I am going to go and try to get her help. You rest, we have been working out all morning."

"Yes Mamm..." She replies out of breath.


I head towards the kitchen and hear arguing, "James! You don't know what you're talking about. I have to stay. You can go, but I am staying!"

"We can't stay here no matter what the 'Alpha' says. We are Witches and Warlocks... They are Werewolves." He drags out the word werewolves like he is talking to a kid.

"I will be fine here. I trust Ayla." She says matter of factly.

"What did you see to trust her so much? You met her yesterday." He sighs. He does not get a response. "Please tell me CeCe."

"I can't James. I can't risk the future changing because I tell you."

I decide it is time to come into the kitchen. I go towards a sad-looking CeCe. "I am so glad you are still here. I was worried you would have left last night. Are you staying? Are your friends?"

"I am Staying." She looks at James. "And I don't think my friends..."

"Jules, Andy, and Wen are staying. I have to go back to report our mission, where everyone is, and our findings of a new pack. Don't worry about your little secret Alpha. I won't say a thing, for now."

"You won't say a thing until I tell you. You got that James?" CeCe threatens him. He puts his hands up and backs up until he is out of the room.

I look at my new friend and I smile. "You're staying," I say happily.


Alright.... Finally done with this chapter.

Comment your ideas!!!

Have a good day

-Rissa Roo

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