Met With Mother's Truth

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Chapter 11:

Aunt May smiles at the question and looks at CeCe and I. CeCe looks towards Jules and everyone else nervously, meanwhile, I give Ce an encouraging look. Her glare back means it probably didn't work.

"What is going on, Ce?" Andy asks.

"I have a secret. You know I have been keeping something to myself for a long time. I am sorry I never got the courage to tell you..." Jules cuts in, "Yet you tell a wolf." Ce continues, "She figured it out the moment she saw me."

"What did she figure out, Ce?" Jules' angry voice rises.

"She saw our resemblance the first time we met and figured out that this is my biological mother." Jules seems angry.

"What do you mean? How is she your mother? She is a dog." Jules is angry, i know this, but it doesn't stop my anger or CeCe's flinch.

CeCe looks at May. "I don't know all of it. All I know is that she is my mom and that she had to let me go if I was to survive."

Jules looks confused and Aunt May seems so dejected as she says, "That is not entirely true. You would have survived if we stayed together, but no one else would have."

CeCe looks confused, "What are you talking about?"

Before CeCe faints from the stress I interrupt. "I understand this is a lot, but we should go inside. You can ask your questions there." No one objects and I guide them to the pack's meeting room. There Ce tells her story and her mother starts hers.


"You have seen the coming dangers. On the night after your birth I spoke to the Goddess of the Moon and the Goddess of Magic. They told me I had to let you go, because they needed you so you could help in the war to come. I remember their words like they were yesterday, 'We tried to end it before it came with you, but the fates have decided it is our children that will suffer to bring peace.' I didn't know what they meant at the time, but when I came back to the pack and saw Ayla again I knew."

"You knew all this time." I say.

"Apollo showed me everything."

"Apollo? The God of the sun?" I ask

"Also the God of prophecy and brother to the Moon Goddess. He gifted me with sight as a child to help his sister end the war, but because I was a wolf I was never able to see the future involving Witches, so Hedacate gave me one of her children as a mate. They wanted the bloodshed to end." She looks straight at CeCe, "That's why you have your gift. You can see what needs to be done to stop the end of all that is good."

We absorb the overwhelming information. CeCe has small tears falling, but everyone else has faces of stone. Her understanding shines through her stare, but it doesn't stop the pain. "I understand. I saw what happens, the smell of death and the feeling of hopelessness, most of all I remember the stares of everyone's cold corpses, they haunt me every time I close my eyes."

Jules demeanor changes in an instant. She's angry. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? I could have helped."

"The more people who knew, the sooner everyone would. Our family would be in danger." Her answer is firm.

Wen speaks for the first time. "We would have kept you safe and you wouldn't have had to deal with the weight of it by yourself. We are family, we don't keep secrets."

"I know Wen, but how could I tell you I was half of what everyone I know hates? How do I tell my sister she is my half-sister?" Jules flinches and CeCe follows the movement. "Julie... just outside you asked me how on earth that dog was my mother?" I hear the slight cracks in her voice. "What would you have done? What the hell would you have done, because I chose the thing that I knew would keep all of us safe up to this point." With that CeCe heads for the door.

Andy and Wen glare at Julia as they leave. I practically see her guilt in the air. She stares at Aunt May for a while, but eventually she gets up and follows in the direction of the others.

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