v. of caves and old poems

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—chapter v: of caves and old poems

LORAINE WOULDN'T HAVE THOUGHT that charlie would be waiting for her in front her brothers room. quiet stupid of him, she thought, considering students weren't allowed in that very hallway. how he had known where to find her, was beyond her too.

now the group was quietly running — as quiet as you could do that — down the stairs. neil had been as smart as to bring treats for the dog, calming him down. they quietly made their way out of the front door, charlie closing it behind loraine softly, before taking her hand and running off as quickly as possible.

the way wasn't as long as they had thought, but it did take them a few minutes to reach the cave.

"charlie?" loraine looked around, having lost the boy a few seconds prior. "meeks" she said relieved as she noticed the familiar face.

just a second later, charlie jumped into the air next to them, flashlight to his face. "yarrr!" he screamed "i'm a dead poet"

the scream that left loraine's mouth would have been able to shatter a wine glass, while meeks nearly passed out. "jesus, charlie"

as soon as loraine had realized what happened, she slapped the boy on the shoulder. "you're so funny" she said sarcastically, before she helped meeks to get up.

"hey, i am!" charlie protested, as loraine stepped away from him and rolled her eyes.

the group climbed into the cave one after another, with charlie going in last, before he helped loraine down. "thank you" the girl muttered flustered, they were so close she could feel his warm breath on her face. charlie just smiled at her, before his hands left her waist and one of them traveled to hold her hand, pulling her down to sit beside him.

the boys tried to make a fire, nearly smoking up the whole cave.

"the smoke is going right up this opening" meeks pointed to the ceiling.

"alright, forget the fire" neil shook his head as it just wouldn't work. "let's go gentlemen and lady" he send a look to loraine, to which she indicated a bow. "i hereby reconvene the dead poets society"

the group cheered at his words, while neil smiled, smoking his cigarette. "the meeting will be conducted by myself and the other new initiates now present" he motioned the flashlight among his friends, lighting up their faces "todd anderson, because he prefers not to read, will keep minutes of the meetings, i'll now read the traditional opening message by society member henry david thoreau"

loraine looked at charlie, who watched neil in amazement. she looked down to his hand, which was laying in his lap, before she went to grab it, directing it to lay in her lap, interlacing their fingers. charlie smiled upon the action after her eyes had went back to neil. knox, who had noticed what happened as well, raised his eyebrows at the other boy.

"i went to the woods because i wanted to live deliberately. i wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life" neil read

"i'll second that" charlie brought his cigarette up to his mouth, while he smiled.

"to put to rout all that was not life, and not, when i had come to die, discover that i had not lived" neil finished the reading "and uh keating's marked a bunch of other pages"

"all right, intermission" charlie moved the flashlight around "dig deep, right here. right here, lay it down"

"on the mud?" knox asked "we're gonna put our food on the mud?"

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