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I'm changing this story to be based off the song "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" by kikuo.

(The song came out in 2011 I believe)

The song is about a little girl who is getting abused by her father (sexualy and phisicually)
The girl is constantly apologizing to her father for "not loving him"  she doesn't understand what is going on and thinks that abuse is love.

The girl runs away and meets "big brother".

At least "big brother" treats her better, but because he doesn't abuse her she thinks he doesn't love her and she goes back to her father.

Her father knew she would come back.

Her father and his companions anticipated her return and continued to abuse her when she got back.

When the girl realizes she doesn't actually love her dad she apologizes for it, she also apologizes for returning to her father, considering herself to be "bad" and not him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I've been a bad girl, so forgive me, forgive me, poor little me"

Travis's explanation

As you know Kenneth abuses Travis (unknown to be cannonly sexual abuse but most definitely mental and physical abuse, for the sake of this story it's sexual, mental and physical, also I am making Travis's abuse close to the abuse I dealt with.)

Travis is constantly apologizing for his actions after he was forced into Christianity by his father, he apologizes for being a "sinner" and refusing to admit he "hates" his father.

Travis doesn't understand what love is so when sal tried to befriend him in the bathroom's, Travis pushes sal away more, since the abuse didn't stop, Travis got weaker. In the first chapter when Travis wasn't harsh on sal and said it was "because after the bathroom incident I warmed up to him..."or something like that. That wasn't true. The real reason he wasn't harsh with sal was because due to his father's abuse and his mother's carelessness, he had gotten weaker and weaker untill he was unable to fight back.

Travis had actually run away from his father when he was 14 and found some people called Hannah and Andrew, they cared for him for about a week but Travis didn't think they loved him and he went back to his father because his parents "loved him"

Travis apologies for "not loving" his father when his father "loves" him so much.

When Travis got back. Kenneth and the cult broke him more (rape). And made his mother watch, like Kenneth did whenever he raped Travis.

Travis slowly starts to hate his mom as the story goes on and eventually does something he would never forgive himself for.

(Nobody else knew about the abuse so you'll see a bunch of Larry and Sal's friends talking about how "Travis does this for attention")

How they both link-

Abuse: sexually and physically.

They both ran away, met people and thought they didn't love them so they went back to they're father's.

They both apologize for things that aren't they're fault.


!I'm sorry frequent chapters will have flashbacks or full chapters of Travis being raped so please skip those parts or chapters if your sensitive to it!

Edit lmao:

When I said Travis would basically be me but I meant to write not fully because, I wasn't raped but my dad would touch my legs and thighs when I sat next to him or if I sat Infront of him (out of force) but all the other shit is the same :3

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