Gold for Cash 

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It's been 2 days, I've haven't seen Hailey for quite some time I guess and I'm worried. I'm at the Chateau with Sarah and the guys, I feel sad and they know why I feel that way because of what happened, they kept asking what happened or what did I do, but I guess it what I've shouldn't have tried to do, I should've never tried and kiss her! It was so so stupid she probably hates me, but when I went out of the Chateau I saw her, she was wear a dark green tank top and baggy black ripped jeans with white converse, and her hair was curled at the ends. She looked so beautiful, but at the time I was shocked to see and and I went back inside the house quickly hoping she didn't see me.
•Haileys P.O.V•

I saw kie, she looked surprised to see me, I don't blame her, I ghosted her, everyone I guess, I mean they all did come to see me, everyone except her. She ran inside the house and I just walked up and sat on the porch with the others, I sat on the couch beside Sarah, "hey! How have you been?" "I've been better.." everyone looked at me with a kind of sad look, "I-I mean I just- I've been okay, how have you guys been?" "Well, we were planing on melting the gold down and trying to sell it so I'm glad you came" John B said, "yeah me too" I said.
Later, kie was in the van with Sarah and me, and she was melting down the gold, she looked tense with my presence around so I got out of the van, I glanced back and she looked a bit sad and was talking with Sarah, most likely about me, probably something bad. I was sitting by a tree and then Pope came up to me, "hey, are you okay? You seem down." "Um.. I'm okay.. I guess I just, I don't think kie wants to be my friend.. I guess.." "what? No! She does! I- I mean she does want to be your friend, and I mean just could I ask what happened..? You can trust me, I promise I won't tell the others.." "thank you Pope, I mean just something happened between us but I just walked out and now I guess everything is weird and I think she's just mad at me but I feel like she was only gonna do what she did cause she felt sorry for me and I know why I didn't what I did because I walked out and I did that because I know she'll never love me that way I love her!" I said kind of fast, "umm.. woah, that's a lot but I won't ask for context but I don't fully understand but what I do understand is that you.. you love her?" "WHAT?!" Everyone suddenly stared at me, "o-oh.. it's.. it's nothing!" Pope yelled. "I-I mean, I'm sorry I just, I just said that.. but I DONT! I don't love her.. in.. in that.. way" "ok.. but.. if you do.. I fully support and will be here for you, wherever and I mean wherever you need, you can always call me Hailey, I promise, day or night," "..t-thank you.." my voice breaks, he pulled me into a hug and I hugged him tightly back. We let go and I smiled at me and he returned one back, "done!" Kie called out, we all went over and then after a while JJ picked it up and we went over to the shop. We all were wondering around the shop, while JJ was talking to the lady trying to get cash, she said something like go to a warehouse or something and then we all walked out, and of course when we go to the Twinkie I had to sit next to kie because everyone else go in first and took up spots, we were standing out there and then John b said, "I would love to sit here all day guys but umm.." I looked at kie and offered her to go in first and she insisted that I go so I just did cause I had a feeling it would go back and forth. Everyone was kind of off, like glancing over at us, my leg was bouncing up and down at bit, I was a little anxious but I was fine, I was only thinking the worst case scenario. "Hey?... are you.. okay?" Kie whispered to me. I was caught off guard cause I was also like zoning out but I said "huh?!" I kind of said that just a bit loud, everyone kind of looked at me and then when back to their side conversations, "uh.. sorry.. yeah, I'm good. I'm just fine." "Okay.." "so where even is this warehouse bro? Like it's just woods out here?" JJ said, "well isn't this what she said?" John b said to JJ, "we'll yeah but like I don't see shit," then there was a cop car. "Shit!" Kie said, "what did we even do?" Sarah said, we got pulled over. He pointed a gun at John b and said to everybody to get out of the car and get down on the ground, he searched through the car and then John b got up and slowly walked to the car, and then the dude, grabbed the gold that was wrapped up in a cloth under the seat. He was getting in the divers seat and then John b attacked, then we all started attacking and kicking him and then we got the gold and we saw his face. It was Barry, of course it was. But we all got out of there and drove off, I got in first so I didn't have to sit next to kie, we all got in and just headed home. We got to JBs house and when we did my wound was starting to hurt so I just got up and started kind of limping and walking or at least trying to walk back to my house but then I heard, "hey! Want me to give u a ride?" I turned around, "oh um no thanks, kie, all good." I was gonna walk away but then I felt her grab my hand, then she went to the Twinkie, "I'll be back guys!" Kie called out to the others, they all waved us off and then we drove away.

A/N- oml! This is just🫢🫢

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