A night to remember

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•Haileys P.O.V•
I woke up beside kie, she was still sleeping. I went out to the living room and saw the boys plus Sarah, they were all looking at me with a look and a lil smirk. "Uhh.. g-good morning to y'all too.." "yeah yeah yeah, good morning... how was your night?" "Uh good.." I said to JJ. "What's going on?" "Are you guys dating yet?" Sarah excitedly said. "N- no? What are you guys talking about?" "You and kie! You guys are clearly so in love!" Pope said. "IN LOVE?! I-I mean I- I- wouldn't say that!- b-but like.. I don't know! We haven't like established anything o-or like.. like labeled anything soo.." I looked down. "I mean like w-what if.. what if she doesn't actually like me! And that.. she just wants to be like a good hook up or something and I just- I don't know.." Sarah came up to me and gave me and hug and then pope too. "Kie literally loves you! Okay? You guys just need to talk" Sarah said, I smiled. "Yeah.. thank you Sarah" then the other boys came up to me. "You guys hooked up?!" "-t-that is seriously all that you got from that? ...but... but yeahhhh.." they all we're excited and happy for me and then everyone went dead silent as Kie entered the room. "Hey guys! Hey Ivy," She said, I smiled at her and turned my head away from her as my cheeks were turning red. I calmed down and then JJ suggested that we all do something fun. We change into our swim suits and put clothes over top of them and grabbed our boards and headed out to the waves. We surfed for hours. We had so much fun just being ourselves and hanging around. It soon became night and we were in the château. Everyone was somewhere else, me and kie were in the living room on the couch together, talking. "Kie?" "V?" "Um.. what are we? Like I mean I like you and I-I think you like me but uh, I just, this thing we got going on.. like what is it? What is us?" "Well, I do like you. A lot. Andd i mean, we should like be together.." "likeee girlfriend and girlfriend?" "Yess, girlfriend and girlfriend" she laughs and I do too. "So we're together?" "Yeah, we are. You're my girlfriend." "And you my girlfriend" I say. We laughed and then we kissed.
It's been like months now and we're like famous I guess because of like the Royal Merchant and El Dorado. Everyone is clapping for us. After everything we've been through. Finally we get what we deserve. But even if we didn't get all this. I wouldn't care. I have everything I need right here. My friends and my girlfriend. I look at her and smile, she smiles back at me and holds my hand.

A/N- kind of a shitty ending but at least this amazing story is done! Thank you for reading! Bueee 🩷🩷

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