chapter 39

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Jungkook sat on the edge of his bed, his phone in his hand as he stared at his elder sister's name on the screen. He took a deep breath and pressed the call button. After a few rings, Yuna's voice came through, a mixture of surprise and warmth in her tone.

"Hey, Kookie! Long time no hear. What's up?"

Jungkook cleared his throat, his fingers tapping nervously on the edge of his phone. "Hey, noona I've been wanting to talk to you about something. Can we, um, talk about... Hobi hyung?"

There was a moment of silence on the other end. Then, Yuna's voice softened. "Sure, Kookie. Is something wrong?"

Jungkook's heart clenched at the concern in her voice. He took a deep breath before plunging in. "I've got to know that things haven't been great between you and Hobi hyung. I mean, you guys used to be so close, and now I just don't know what happened and how??. it feels different. Is everything ok? You guys had a fight or something"

Yuna let out a shaky breath, and Jungkook could almost hear her tears through the phone. "Yeah, things have been tough, Kookie. It's... it's complicated."

He pressed on gently. "Can you tell me what's been going on? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Yuna sighed, her voice heavy with sadness. "I didn't want to burden you with my problems. But if you really want to know... It's about his business trips "

"His business trips?" Jungkook repeated, confusion evident in his voice.

Yuna's voice cracked as she continued, "after our marriage he was called for a business trip..he told me he will return back soon and will keep calling and texting about his health and conditions, however it didn't turned out as planned , since he left me alone with his mother. And she... she's never really liked me, Kookie."

Jungkook felt a pang of anger rise within him. "What? But why? You're amazing, noona "

Tears welled up in Yuna's eyes, and her voice trembled as she spoke. "She thinks I'm not good enough for him. She's told me that I don't deserve to be her son's wife. And Hobi was never there to stand up for me , I'm myself is not weakling to cry and not retort back to her but she is his mom and I didn't wanted to disrespect her moreover hoseok was never free to even text me or call me and ask about my situation...even though I have noticed his mom talking with him for more than an hour on call "

Jungkook clenched his fist, his heart aching for his sister. "That's not fair, noona. You deserve respect and love and I didn't expected this from hobi hyung "

Yuna's voice wavered as she continued, her emotions spilling out. "And it's not just that, Kookie..because of his complete avoidance. It feels like I'm not even a priority. I feel so alone, like I'm stuck in this house with his mother who constantly reminds me of my worthlessness."

Jungkook's chest tightened as he listened to his sister's pain. "Noona calm down , you don't deserve to feel that way. Hobi hyung should be supporting you, not ignoring you ..i need to talk with him..don't cry please ."

Yuna let out a choked sob, and Jungkook could tell that she was crying harder now. "I know, Kookie. I just don't know what to do anymore. I love him, but I can't keep feeling like this."

Jungkook's voice was filled with determination as he spoke. " deserve happiness. You deserve to be with someone who treats you right and values you.. And if hobi hyung is not treating you well than it's all up to you... But as your brother I want to tell you one thing when two persons trust each other whole heartedly than third person's point of view shouldn't even matter... Did hobi hyung ever told you that you don't deserve him?? So please noona don't stress so much and don't hurt yourself more because of the past "

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