chapter 29

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"I.. I.. I don't know where you live." That was all Elsa could come up with as tears rolled down her face. The tears that showed how terrified she was at this man.

Remembering how many people her sister had crossed, she almost felt lucky this man was suggesting taking her to the police instead of cutting off her head or harvesting her organs.

'Was I going to pay for my twin sister's crimes? And what crimes were they?'

She couldn't even look at the scary man in the eye. Her thoughts were blank as she tried to process what the heck was going on.

Jeremy chuckles then lets her arm go. "I see, 'Elsa' doesn't know where I live.. Every well, 'Elsa', Ill be kind enough to write the address for you." He then took out a pen and wrote an address on a napkin on the table before leaving it there for Elsa.

He got up standing next to the girl in his full height and glory, which was intimidating her. "I expect you before sundown tomorrow. If not, expect the police at your door step the next day." He warned with a tone that sent a cold shiver down her spine.

With that, he started making his way to the door with his hands in his well tailored suit pockets. And once he was out of her apartment, Elsa ran to the door and locked it quickly.

She immediately felt safer knowing he wasn't there anymore.

Despite that however, she knew that even with her being careful who she opens the door for, it won't really do much next time.

Her hands went to her neck as she massaged it deep in thought. She knew she had to prove to this man that she wasn't Gwen to get him to leave him alone.

'Oh Gwen! What did you do this time?... Why is this man after me?"

What she didn't understand however, was him saying that she was Gwen who had changed her name. Why would her records say that?

'No they wouldn't. He was just testing me to see my reaction.'

Elsa found that excuse reasonable and decided not think much about it. What she needed to do now, was to prove to this man that she was not Gwen. If it was someone else, she wouldn't have bothered. But god, it was a Callahan.

You don't want to be on their bad side. But someone, Gwen, was.


Elsa drove back to her apartment then back to Gwen's after she collected receipts of anything and everything that had her name on it. Even from months and years ago just to prove she was not Gwen but Elsa.

She arranged them all in a file neatly and then worked an entire speech in her head.

She looked like a lawyer who was ready to fight a serious murder case when she had her cab stop at the address.

A house so big was infront of her. So huge, gorgeous and luxurious. Well, he did tell her to come to his villa, and he was a Callahan. So, she should have expected this. But, she didn't.

At least not a villa so big, you would believe you would get lost inside.

She told the gate man she was Miss Halverson and was there to see Jeremy.

It was before sundown, just 5 pm. She tried not to come too late. But also, not come early.

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