chapter 90

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Jeremy drove Elsa to the Callahan Manor. Elsa was playing with her fingers nervously as they alighted the car.

Elsa and Jeremy walked side to side inside the manor.

Mrs Callahan was in the living room when she saw her son coming in. She smiled as she got up from the couch ready to meet him.

But her smile turned into a frown in a matter of milliseconds when she noticed Elsa next to him.

"This woman is here again?!" She groaned in annoyance.

She immediately started charging towards her. Her hands ready to grab her and throw her out of the house.

"You! What you doing here? Leave right now or I will throw you out myself. I don't want your peasant stench around me." She pointed her finger at her.

Elsa looked at her and didn't say anything.

This angered, Lorna, Mrs Callahan even more, "Are you mute? I know you can speak. Why are you acting like you cannot talk?... I know you can talk very well. Why are you remaining quiet?"

Elsa still didn't say anything.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter. What I want right now, is you out of my house. Do you know what bad luck it is to see your face so early in the morning? Are you trying to jinx me?"

"I said get out of my house!"

Elsa seeing her charging at her about to jump at her, she let out a silent wince.

She immediately went behind Jeremy hiding herself there. She held on to his shirt tightly hiding her face on her back.

This act took Jeremy by surprise. She was not expecting that. She expected the exact opposite. She expected Elsa to fight back his mum.

But she instead ran to him with hopes, innocent hopes, he will protect her.

Was this really Gwen?

This did not seem like something Gwen would do.

Gwen would have chewed his mother alive even before she got a chance to open her mouth.

But here she is, looking scared as she holds on to him. This was not Gwen's personality.

Seeing his mother still trying to get to Elsa, and Elsa hiding behind him like a scared little mouse in the presence of a cat, Jeremy was just about to say something when a deep authoritative voice spoke.


The Old Master was standing infront of them with a cane in his hand. His voice was enough, just that one word was enough to make Lorna Callahan stop what she was doing.

"What is going on here?" He demanded to know.

He walked closer with his cane.

His tone showed he was clearly displeased. Lorna turned to him and immediately started defending herself while slandering Elsa.

"Dad, this woman here, you must remember the despicable act she did. She climbed into Jeremy's bed and you had no choice but to have Jeremy marry her for the sake of the Callahan name. Dad, such a woman should never be allowed into our home. Kick her out immediately."

How Lorna spoke to Old Master Callahan was very respectful. She made sure she was careful with her words. Everyone is.

The Old Master did not say anything to Lorna. His eyes were on the girl hiding behind his grandson the entire time.

"You can come out now, she won't hurt you with me here. I promise." The Old Master said to Elsa.

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