chapter 92

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Elsa was seated at home around 4 pm in the afternoon.

She and the old Master had had a chat while seated on a bench in this big garden in his manor.

The old Master didn't ask Elsa nor did he scold her about the scandal with Jeremy. He instead just wanted Elsa to talk about herself. Who she was, where she was born, raised. She just wanted to know her.

He was kind to her.

And after their talk, he told Jeremy to her home and make sure she was okay. That was his instructions.

Elsa was glad at least somebody here seemed to like her. Jeremy dropped her off to her apartment and left immediately. He didn't say a word to her the entire time.

Elsa was seated in her living room. She was a little scared of opening her mother's journal, so she decided to read Gwen's diary today.

Gwen mentioned in her diary that there was tapes of their mother. This was tapes of her that the doctors recorded when they were talking to her. They wanted to have them as references to see if Jenna was making any progress.

Mental hospitals do that, they record sessions with their patients.

Gwen mentioned that she couldn't find some of them but the others were in the psych ward.

As Elsa kept reading and flipping through the pages, something caught her eye. This thing had her reading it seven times.

'It's like, the moment I knew I am the lion cub, I signed my death warrant.'

'I should be happy to learn that I am the lion cub of Serpens, right? But no. I am not. I am not happy about this.'

'If learning this means that they will kill me so that the Lions don't know that their cub is here, then Elsa should never know. She should never know she is a lion cub too. I don't want them to target my angel.'

When Elsa read her mother's journal where she was calling them the lion cubs, she thought her mum was going through her episodes when writing that because the words barely made sense to her.

But now that Gwen was also saying they were lion cubs, Elsa couldn't help but get curious.

What did that mean? Lion cubs of Serpens. Does country they live in, Serpens, have lion cubs? Does this country label people as lion cubs?

Elsa was confused.

Knowing she was a lion cub was the reason Gwen died? What did being a lion cub mean? Was it something good, or bad?

If it was good why was Gwen not happy about it?

At that moment, she decided to go to her town and meet her best friend, Hayley. Just talk to her about anything else until she felt like her head wasn't going to explode.

Hayley asked her about her husband and her married life after she saw Elsa was in a better mood.

Hayley knew she was made to marry Jeremy because of Gwen and she couldn't help but be mad about it.

She advised her friend to leave the country immediately and never come back. Because Gwen's enemies may not be the best company for her. And her living with one, not a good idea.

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