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"Oh shit. Shit, shit — Harleen, wake up. We have to go to work in an hour."

We fall into an easy, lightning fast rhythm without a word to one another. Harleen brews coffee, I jump into an ice cold shower. I towel myself dry and dress, Harleen takes the shower. I pull out spare work clothes, she puts them on, while I knock back the coffee, scalding my throat.

I check my reflection in the mirror, and see a purple welt where Matt struck me. Damn — I've never had to cover a bruise with makeup before. I stare at my powder, wondering how the hell to proceed.

And then my phone rings.

I glance at the number. It's not one I recognise.


"Sienna? Hey, it's Lori, from the Bank. How are you?"

Matt's assistant. "Hey Lori. I'm fine, how about you?"

"I'm okay. Is Matt there?"

"No, he's not," I say, shrugging into a blazer. "He isn't at work?"

"He hasn't come in this morning. Missed a really important meeting with the director of Wayne Enterprises... You don't know where he is?"

"Uh... No. He went out last night."

"Oh god... Do you think something happened to him?"

"I'm sure he's fine," I try to reassure her. "But he did leave his phone here... I'll call the police, just to be cautious as we have no way of getting hold of him. But please don't panic. Okay? He's probably oversleeping at a friend's house."

"Okay. Keep me in the loop."

"I will, Lori. Talk soon."

I glance apologetically at Harleen. "Sorry. I'd better sort this out, I might be a little late."

"It's okay," she reassures me. "I don't have a patient appointment until eleven today. I can do my prep work from here."

I call the police and speak with a disgruntled officer, who doesn't show any interest until I mention Matt's name.

"Missing, you say?" He asks, suddenly perked up. "Matt Carter, Manager of the Bank?"

"I'm sure he's fine," I repeat once again, "But he left his phone and keys here... Didn't take the car. And with this being Gotham, and with his position at the bank, I just wanted to be cautious."

"You're at your home address?"


"Stay where you are please, ma'am. I'll have officers there as soon as I can."

A feeling of dread begins to form in my stomach as I wait for the police. Will Matt be mad that I involved them? Is he sleeping off a hangover at some other girl's place? Or is he...

The doorbell rings. I flinch slightly, then rush to answer it, checking through the peephole first — still safety cautious.

"Good morning," the larger police officer says, the one with a moustache. "I'm Officer Penny, this is Officer Brooks. You called about a missing bank manager?"

"Yes, my boyfriend Matt." I swallow. "Come on in."

They survey the scene, strolling slowly through the house. Glancing at the keys, the phone. Then at Harleen, who beams and waves from where she sits by the window, filling out patient notes.

"Miss Moore, could you talk me through the events of yesterday evening before Mr Carter left?"

"Yes, of course. I came home from work a little late. I—"

The Fear Dissertation // A Jonathan Crane Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now