CHP 18: Family Affairs

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I was woken up to bright lights filtering through the blinds of my shared room. As I stretched my limbs and shook off any remnants of sleep, a small smile began to creep up on my lips. Normani was knocked completly out at the hands of sleep. She had one leg draped arcoss my body while she was peacefully seeping. I took a moment to take in some of her features while she slept.

Not wanting to be a creep, I opted to let her linger in her peaceful state of sleep. I quiletly slipped out of my bed and into the living room that was occupied by my roommates.

Entering the living room, I was greeted by the lingering scent of laughter. Lani, perched on the couch with a cup of coffee, wore a mischievous grin. "Good morning, sunshine. Did you sleep well?" she teased, her eyes alive with playful energy. Chuckling in response, I asked, "What's the move for today?" Glancing around, I saw the familiar faces staring at me trying to read my expressions. "Don't worry bout it sweetheart." I said as I plopped down on the couch. I pulled out my phone and saw that I got a text from

kiara: hey y/nn
y/n: pls get a grip and leave me alone
kiara: dont be rude
y/n: bye girl
kiara: well can you just pls do me and my baby a favor.
kiara: my car is in the shop and toni is at work. i'll send you money to pick up some food for me to cook.

I took a second and read the text. I didn't want to be a dickhead and leave the girl to starve in her apartment. My eyes rolled before my fingers started moving to text her back.

y/n: alr bro, send me the list and gas money

I stood up to head back to my room. Once I reached the door I slowly pushed it open trying not to awaken the girl that was sleeping in my bed. When I entered she slowly started to stir awake.

I mentally cursed myself for not being able to leave the girl sleeping. When I thought she was waking up, she just turned to face the other way. I quickly put on clothes which consisted of a hoodie, shorts and crocs. I made my exit as swift and quiet as possible.

"I'll be back children, don't miss me too much." I didn't leave much time for my roommates to ask me questions. How do you explain that you're going to get food for your ex who cheated on you and is pregnant with possibly another man's baby or maybe yours... You don't.

The trip to the store was quick. I was riding around on the buggy looking for some damn pickles. I was coasting through the isles before I had to quickly stop in order to not hit the girl in front of me. "Chill the fuck out." The girls voice said. When she turned around my fear was alleviated.

"My bad Ryan, I ain't tryna take you out or nothing." The girl rolled her eyes before giving me a side hug. "You're a big ass kid Y/nn." I returned the eye roll to the shorter girl.

"Why you got all these random ass food combos." I was gonna try to come up with a lie but there's no point in lying. "I'm getting some food for somebody. They ain't got no car." Ryan just slowly nodded her head as her eyes scanned my cart.

"Well it was nice seeing you. We need to all chill again." I nodded my head before finishing up my little grocery trip. I mindlessly went through the motions of getting food and putting it in the basket before finally making my way to the car.

The car trip lasted only 5 minutes. Which made me think why couldn't she get her ass up and walk. She is also around 2 months pregnant so I guess I'll have some sympathy.

I parked my car and gathered all of her bags in both of my hands because who is about to make more than one trip. I swiftly made my way up her stairs and into the apartment building. Her door was already propped open which made for a smooth entry.

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