2🥀 - marriage proposal

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Ragini's pov -

"Yes Ragini, I need you to sit down and listen to me very carefully,my child okay?"
said bapusa

I gulped and my body trembled with fear not knowing what was coming next but I already felt it is something serious, bapusa's tone and his eyes told me something was wrong and It was related to me. But I did not even do anything it's always Nandini who is involved in all the mischiefs.

"Ji bapusa ,what happened is everything alright?"
I asked and he looked at me and said

"No Ragini Nothing is alright" That's it my heartbeat raced as if I was going to die them very next moments but I trusted him he would never let anything bad happen to me right?  But suddenly he smiles looking at me, my brows crash in confusion,He broke the silence and continued further.

"You are turning 23 now. And you have studied all you want, I think its Good for you to marry at this age. The family of Pratapgarh had proposed the marriage and I couldn't deny them. Your marriage will take place in two or three weeks"

"Whattt!!!?"  I screamed, all the scenarios I had in my mind about marrying the love of my life getting to know him and then spending my life with him. I couldn't let this happen to me but how could I deny my father's wish he had already agreed  so I tried to question him further about who was I going to marry and why all of a sudden?

"And with whom am I getting married to Bapusa and why all of a sudden"

"I understand your feelings Ragini, but trust me my child I am your father and I will never wish anything bad for you and about Prince Aaditya he is really brave and a perfect match for you. I have provided all the information to Motibai you can ask here. I shall leave now."

First of all who is This so called 'PrIncE AaDitYa' and why is he willing to marry me, he doesn't Even know me and on top of that Moti knew all this and still kept it from me I need to talk to her
I lowered my gaze and watched my father walking past me, tears collected in my eyes and in no time I started running back to my room not knowing what to do...
        -------End of Ragini's pov-------

Nandini's pov -
I saw jiji(sister) running back to her room with Tears in her eyes. When Motibai informed jiji to meet Bapusa I felt something was wrong as Bhai-sa 's mood was also not good today and he is never like that so I overheard their conversation, I know it's wrong but I cannot bear my sister's sadness.
I need to talk to her, she must be so devastated. So I ran to her chamber as soon as possible


"Go away Nandini, I need some time alone"
Ragini said wiling her tears

"Jiji, I know everything I overheard your conversation with Bapusa and I am sorry for that, you can scold me later but please don't cry we should talk to Bhai-sa , he will help us to convince Bapusa"

"Nandini, I can't do that. Bapusa has given his word and if he steps back everyone will question his reputation!"

"Why are you being so selfless jiji, you should take your stand this time. Your whole life depends on this on crucial decision"

"No Nandini I will not do anything stupid, maybe this is my fate and I have to face it"

"No jiji, if you will not then I will, I will go right now and ask bapusa to call off this marriage"

All of my requests went in vain as jiji silently shed tears questioning her fate. She has always been like this agreeing to whatever the elders of this house asked her to.
          -------End of Nandini's pov-------

Ragini's pov -Nandini is right, I think I should speak up atleast I can try and maybe he can do something to mend the alliance in exchange for some gems from Ratnagarh. I should talk to Bhai-sa right now

"Moti , go and find where is Bhai-sa  I want to talk to him"

I saw utter shock on Nandini's face and Motibai informed me that Bhai-sa was in the finance room where all the accounting takes place and important matters are discussed to bring up new policies for the betterment of our public

As I walked past the hallways and reached for the do or the soldiers blocked my way
"Pardon us your highness but we are not allowed to let anyone in"

To which I argued back
"Am I anyone?  I am a part of the royal family and i need to go inside right now!"

"Please your highness we know That, but still we cannot let you In. We're bound to follow the orders. It's a strict order from prince Mansingh to not let anyone inside Before the next 2 hours"

No I cannot wait that long I have to talk to him right now 
Something struck my mind a mischief I must say
I turned my feet back and as soon as the soldiers moves back to their place I rushed inside the room and heard them gasp as I now fled in the passway reaching the centre and called for my brother


"Ragini! What are you doing here, I asked the soldiers to not let anyone in, from when have you been disrespecting my orders?"

Shock and disbelief plastered on his face as another man appeared in the place, I reconsidered my decision of coming here and questioned myself if it was a right choice but I cannot step back, not Now. I've come here to speak out my heart and I will . The man standing there was observing the situation Maybe He was the guest Bhai-sa was talking about. Bhai-sa looked in his direction and said

"I am sorry for the disturbance Prince, she's my younger sister i'll ask her to get out right now"

Tears fled my eyes and blurred vision, does no one really care about what I want, why is everything already fixed always without considering my opinion?! He is one who always listens to me till my heart's content.

"No Bhai-sa,  I have to talk about something really important...please!"
I retreated

"Ragini try to understand we are having some private conversation and this is a really important decision for both of the kingdoms"

"Is it more important than me?" a tear rolled off my cheek as my voice broke. I don't want to be so vulnerable but why is he acting this way around. He has left many meeting and works with a snap of fingers at my every minor inconvenience. Then is he behaving this way all of a sudden

I came out of my reverie when the other person spoke
"It's okay, you guys should talk I'll take my leave. I have other important issues to look after and I'm running out of time. We'll discuss this some other days, if possible "

No prince please have your seat, we value your time and Ragini we will talk later hm."
He indirectly ordered me to go away right now.


Hope  you enjoyed this part
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The chapters will get longer after a few


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