22🥀- Aditya's secret

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Ragini's pov-

We have our breakfast and lunch And then everyone slowly head towards the the main gate of our palace. It feels weird now that I have to leave my home again. It makes me nostalgic seeing the palace as the memories gush to me of how I had spent my whole childhood in here. Tears brim my eyes and I try to hold them back, if I cry everyone's gonna start crying too. I need to control myself. I cant see all of them crying again.
Hukum is standing with Bapusa, he looks handsome as always..wtf.. Nono Its not that way he just looks extra fine today. The buttons are struggling to Keep up with his figure.
What has happened to me Oh god!

I approach them as I know Its time to leave, Hukum glances at me and we both bend in unison to touch bapusa's feet and take his blessings.

"Stay blessed, and I want to hear good news soon"

My head shoots up in his direction I look at hukum and find him already smirking at me. My cheeks burn with the intensity of heat creeping up my face as my brain tries to imagine us together. He suddenly looks at me with a slight smirk on his face and I look away. He stands up and answers my father

"Bapusa They just got married, let them have some time to know each other"
Bhai-sa interuppted

"Oh c'mon It's been a few months already"
Bapusa said

"But are they ready yet?"
Bhai-sa looks at us

Hukum steps ahead and holds bapusa's hand assuringly he Looks at me and continues to speak

"Bapusa , I already have one right now we Dont need another one so Soon "

"Aaditya is right"
They all start to chuckle
But I Don't find it so funny he thinks I am a kid even Bhai-sa is laughing with him. Ok then if he considers me a kid I'll show him what I am. Who does he think he is!? Huhh I'll not talk to him now. I aLReadY hAve One!! then handle it!

I shoot dagger's at him while he just simply looks at me as if all he said was normal and true and there was nothing to be so dramatic but how could he say that I am kid still, no one marries a kid, why did he marry me if he thinks I am a kid.

He bids everyone goodbye and stands beside me asking for leave and we start moving, I try to walk faster than him so that I reach the palanquin before he asks me anything, but he still walking right beside me and he is not even running to catch up ugghh!
Why is he so tall!?
He tries to offer me a hand as I try to balance myself struggling due to my heavy outfit. I ignore him and sit inside he makes sure I am Well settled and climbs on his horse waiting for him in front of my palanquin.I miss Moti, I wish I Could take her to Pratapgarh with me. She's my comfort person from childhood whenever anything happens I always run to her and open my heart. She's the best friend I never knew I wanted but I'm lucky enough to have her in my life. I concentrate and think of ways to get back on him but nothing comes to my stupid brain what's the point of reading so many novels Ragini think think...there might be something....how can I irritate him.
I fall asleep thinking of a way

__time skip__

Aaditya's pov-
We take a halt nearby Pratapgarh so that the servants can rest and everyone can have refreshments as it might get late when we reach home. I wait for Ragini to step out so we can eat together. I Don't know but if feels like it has become a habit of mine to have my food with her. I step aside from everyone and head towards her palanquin. I clap my hands to call a maid and ask her to check up on Ragini and ask her to come out and freshen up

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