Two: Showing

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Corvina Maxwell

"Thank you all for coming earlier than I planned!" I said over the mic and people cheered.

"I have my paintings lining walls and people around to help your biding process go smoothly! I will be around but I hope you all get something!" I set the mic down and adjusted my hair.

It was heavy in a clip on my head.

I had black, thick, long, curly hair and it was a struggle sometimes but I readjusted the clip and made it work.

"Cor, you have a few people requesting to see you now." Marvin said and I nodded as he walked me to the area.

I paused, Ecstasy was staring at my paintings, real time, right now.

I've had famous people but not infamous musicians.

"Hello!" I smiled and they all turned and faced me, there were four band members.

Casey- Drums
Harden- Piano and special effects
Tony- Electric guitar but also saxophone in some songs
Valerian- Electric Bass, lead singer, and extra guitar if it's needed.

"You must be Cor?" Casey asked, offering a hand.

I took it.

"It's Corvina but Cor is just a nickname. If that's what you prefer it's just fine." I smiled.

"Harden." He shook my hand.

"Tony." He shook mine and I looked toward the tallest member that was the cause of half my paintings.

"Valerian." He mumbled, offering the opposite hand of what one usually uses.

So I adapted and used my opposite hand, his hand shake was softer than the others, less professional, more friendly almost but his hands were the most calloused, his gaze the most firm.

"Lovely to meet you all. The painting your looking at I was actually gonna bring to the concert tonight." I smiled.

"Yeah? You're a fan?" Tony asked.

"I am. I actually heard you guys perform when I was a Senior in highschool. It's was a college party when you all were Juniors. I love your style." I nodded.

Valerian had me pinned under his gaze.

"Why were you gonna bring it?" Casey asked.

"My best friend got two tickets and two backstage meet the band things and told me I had to go and said I should show you this piece." I looked at my framed art.

"Well, that's why we are here. We're moving into the city to stay and Val wants the painting." Harden said and I smiled up at his 6'4-5 ish frame.

"Alright." I nodded.

His face was still, but his eyes were burning me.

"Do you have any others that are inspired by us at all? Not to sound condescending but this one is just amazing." Harden admired it.

"Uhm, yes. I have quite a few. Follow me if you don't mind." I walked, they all remained close behind, people gaping and snapping photos.

I showed them the five I had done and they all hummed, I explained the songs I listened to making these.

They asked why I listened to them.

I told them my infatuation and I noticed Valerian kept his hands tied behind him, his knee locking and unlocking at a rapid rate. I recalled his friends speaking upon his anxiety years ago.

"Can we look at the others and just debate amongst things for a while?" Casey asked.

"Certainly! Just let me know when things seemed finalized." I smiled and they left but Valerian remained, his eyes rotating between me and my walls laced with art.

He took a large step toward me, shocking me as my chest was almost brushing his upper abdomen.

He leaned down slightly.

"I want them all."

I froze.

"A-are you sure? It's fine if you don't actually want them they were just inspired-" he kept me pinned under his gaze, unmoving, his blue eyes were cold and decided.

"Okay." I nodded. He leaned down again.

"I want you to make my album cover." He stood to his full height, people snapping photos of him speaking to me.

My face burned with the attention.



"Well, for the five paintings, uhm, about 100k and I've never done an album cover so I have no idea." I swallowed firmly.

He nodded, turning on his heel and leaving my bubble empty and shocked.

Velvet. His voice was deep, rich, velvet.

He smelt of clean clothes and masculine deodorant.

And of books a bit.

He looked more aesthetically pleasing close up.

Hair jet black as mine, eyes bright blue opposing to mine, I knew what laid under the hoodie and jeans.

Tattoos from throat to waist.

God knows what goes on past that.

I just sighed, helping with other bids and offers, having my helpers take those paintings down for them.

I was gonna go into cardiac arrest.

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