Three: Tease

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Valerian Calix

"Is she what you remember from college? Everything and more?" Casey batted his eyes and I elbowed him.

"You have problems." Harden shook his head.

"She is beautiful, and talented. Can't blame you there." Casey sighed.

"You don't even know her. You've been pining for four years." Tony frowned.

I ignored all of it.

I sat in the waiting chairs.

He was wrong.

I wouldn't render myself a stalker however I had socials under fake names to see what she makes. What she posts.

I had her public Spotify account and I know the music she likes.

She likes mine.

And a few others but that mattered less.

She posted all the books she reads.

I read them.

All the movies she watches.

I watch them.

Her following is very large.

It makes my job easier.

-Flashback to 4 years prior-

"These kids snuck in." Casey snorted.

I looked, a girl with short red hair, holding the belt loop of the confident girl leading her.

Long black curls till her hips, she was pear shaped. Wide hips, smaller chest, lean arms, large thighs.

Not quite hourglass, but dainty. Curvy on the lower part, slim on the upper.

Her face, doe brown eyes, red, large lips, full face, slim jawline.

She was beautiful.


"Here you are." She had people bring the paintings and set them down against a chair.

I looked at her, observing how she stands, how she often touches over her lips with her fingers.

I had a black Mastercard I used for everything.

"Do you mind following me to my office? That's where my card reader is." She explained.

I nodded.

My friends picked the paintings up and moved to put them in our car.

I watched her walk away, her dress pants secure in the best places.

Her turtleneck hugging her waist and arms, making her face slimmer, her round glasses pushed up with her thumb and middle finger often as they slipped.

She opened a door with a key and I stepped inside as she moved.

She came in after me, shutting the door.

She sat at her desk, staring at her computer screen before she turned toward me.

"I apologize this might take a second my service is terrible right now." She frowned, the corners of her full lips dipping.

She kept clicking with her mouse until she smiled, two perfect dimples. The left deeper than the right.

"Alright, it's gonna ask to tip, hit skip." She said and I inserted my card into the reader, tipping 15%.

"Oh no. I can cancel it it's fine-"

"It wasn't an accident, Corvina." I said quietly as I put in my PIN.

She paused, clearing her throat.

"T-thank you. I appreciate your interest in my artwork. I hope you have places for all the paintings." She stood, making a small joke.

"I expect to see you tonight." I nodded, putting my card in my wallet as I made my way out.

She smelt like apples. Or more like apple cider. Like a clean version of fall or Halloween.

I got in the car and immediately moved to avoid the paintings.

"He's the tallest why is he back here. Tony your a short fuck you should've been here so he doesn't break his future wife's paintings." Casey said and I frowned.

"Don't take offense. I've seen what your college diary says. You dirty virgin." He scowled.

"He gets the most bitches." Harden sighed.

I smiled and Casey rolled his eyes.

"It's hard being me." I looked out the window.

"Being what? A stalker?"


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