Four: Talk To Me

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Corvina Maxwell

I came backstage, Casey shirtless, other two wearing clothing.

"Hey girl!" Tony hugged me and I laughed.

Jessie gasped.

"She's in love with you." I said and he looked at her, top to bottom.

"Name?" He asked.

"Jessie. Or Jess. Or Jessica. I'm panicking." She fanned herself and I laughed.

He smiled.

"You're cute. This is Harden, this is Casey." He introduced and they both gave me a hug like we've met a thousand times but shook her hand gently.

"Bestfriend?" Casey asked.

"Yes." I nodded. "Unfortunately."

She frowned at me.

"I love you. I'm sorry."

"Mmhm." She glared.

Valerian came from somewhere dark, drying his hands off with a rag before tossing it over the shoulder of his naked torso.

He looked at me first, then nodded to Jessie.

"Wow. You're a beautiful human. Not my kind of beautiful but definitely Cor's type of beautiful." She gawked and I elbowed her side, my face burning with embarrassment.

Immediately a smile laced his face, it wasn't large, but it was something and clearly full of cockiness.

She wasn't exactly wrong though.

His tongue licked over his lip piercing, the black hoop adjusting.

He didn't wear it earlier but he was now and I took a deep breath, my mind replaying him saying my name earlier.

He came and introduced himself quietly to Jessie before he stepped back and Harden hooked his arm around the back of my neck.

"Wanna sit front front? There's a lot of people here for Val. You might get shoved if you sit where you're supposed to sit." He said.

"We are front front." I said and Valerians knees began licking and unlocking again.

"No you're not." He said and I watched Tony hand Valerian his rings, he placed them on his tattooed fingers one by one.

I watched Valerian tug on a wife beater although I knew it was gonna come off mid show.

They brought me and Jess to the tip of the stage, people held back by security and ropes but we were in front of them, hands on the stage close.

Then we waited.

"Valerian likes you."

"What?" I stared at Jessie.

"He was eye railing you. Like you should be bent over the piano in the back and his dick be rammed-"

"Alright. Vulgar much? You wanted Tony to do that to you anyway."

"Absolutely. I have no shame." She nodded and I laughed.

She hugged me.

"I'm so proud of your accomplishments today! You made so much money and decorated so many homes. I watched your instagram and tiktok followings go up by thousands!" She smiled.

"I'm pretty amazing like that." I winked.

Then darkness.

The curtains opening as they came out and people, girls, screamed.

Immediately the beat of Her Tears came, Valerians voice silk as he stood to the mic and began the song.

I sang the lyrics, his foot moving to the beat, keeping track as he played the bass, the veins in his throat straining against the tattooed skin that lied there.

His abdomen flexed with every belt, the chiseled abs defined under the male tank top.

I panicked, after certain sexual versus he'd let out a small, deep, moan on the ending of the word.

His eyes found mine, looking at me during my entirely favorite verse of the song, stapling me under his vision while he basically moaned 'good girl' at the end of the song.

Everyone screamed when the lights shut off, only one light on as Valerian removed his shirt, coming to us and handing it to me.

Jessie took it because I hesitated and shoved it into my hands.

He smiled and everyone freaked out, girls screaming and pleading behind me for me to give it to them.

I truly debated giving it away so my thoughts would grow pure of him again.

But I couldn't imagine that. Giving away something after a moment where I came to the realization of being sexually attracted to him severely.

Something primal loved that he had belted the shit out of the song in this shirt therefore he was sweating.

If it was drenched then that's just nasty but it was the perfectly worn stage where it wasn't clean but it was filthy.

So I held onto it.

"We all know you love the Neighborhood. Or most of you." Casey said out of breath.

Everyone screamed in agreement.

"We're gonna play those Daddy Issues away." Tony finished, looking at Jessie who was clearly in love.

They began the beat of Daddy Issues by The Nbhd and I was beginning to think these songs were specifically played for me. Obviously not but I loved the sound of Valerian on these lyrics.

Valerian began singing, his voice absolutely to die for, the sound of yearning on his lips.

He was a sin. One giant sin.

And I was enticed.

It was different to hear him in person, I had once but this is concert level, not college level.

His eyes were shut as he plucked the strings of the bass with his tattooed, ring decorated fingers.

He shut his eyes as he sang, some parts his eyes would travel to me.

I had daddy and mommy issues.

I was having a female overload with how he sang.

He covered the song so well I was just transfixed in my two favorite worlds colliding.

"My clit is throbbing." Jessie whisper-yelled to me.

I laughed, mentally agreeing.

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