Chapter 10

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I never miss class if I don't have to

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I never miss class if I don't have to. I miss enough already for hockey, the last thing I need is to miss even more class without a reason. But sometimes you have to make exceptions, so after Buzz, that sweaty beautiful man, whispered in my ear the most incredibly strange thing I have ever heard; I decided today is the day to make the exception. For the first time in my college career I am skipping class.

Ryder, the fucking freak he is, with his insane athletism, is only mildly bothered by this mornings workout and is thankfully the first one out. He seems just as pissed as the rest of us, but I am sure the second he goes to scold Beck about it her puppy dog eyes and sweet smile will kill him on the spot.

That is how me and my bestie differ though. I can think logically with my top head, defying what my bottom head wants.

No mild infatuation with a hot, sexy, smart, feisty, well toned figure skater is going to distract me from the atrocities committed.

"Brayden, you alive?" Coach calls out as I continue to lay on the floor, the last one left in the locker room now.

"Couldn't you have spared me today? Shown me mercy sir? I am a goalie, I'm not built for this."

"I-...son, one question?"

"Ask away, but do so quickly, I will soon perish from all the physical activity you forced upon me," I tell him dramatically, reaching one hand out before dropping it to the floor.

He sighs, already regretting his entire existence probably before taking a deep breath and asking anyways. "Why were you in a dress and heels in one of those videos?"

"I lost a bet! It was the football team's fault! I didn't think they had it in them to win the BIG10 Championship! It was a fluke really! Who even has heels in that size anyways I thought they were fucking with me!"

I am still on the floor but I am frantically screaming and flopping around. I wasn't the only one in on this bet. The hockey team and football team have mutual respect for eachother but we are always competing to have the better season. Football allegedly brings in more money but I swear if we played in the Big House or a stadium of its size we'd easily bring in more.

UMich Football is cool and all but nothing touches the legacy of UMich Hockey. We run this bitch at the end of the day whether they like that fact or not.

"Christ, I don't care! I need to go, I have an emergency session with my therapist," Coach grumbles as he leaves rubbing his temples.

I watch him leave wondering if he actually has an emergency session or he is just joking. If I hadn't been around here for the last three years I would assume it was a joke but now... I have seen things and I am not sure it is. Also this probably helps explain why he didn't flinch when I came out, he more just nodded like the final piece of a puzzle was found and everything suddenly made sense.

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