The predicament

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Gulp, this is quite the predicament, you have to get of the train in a few minutes, getting up means showing people your accident, and showing people your accident is peak humiliation.

But then all your thoughts and plans to get out of this situation without people realising goes out of the window when you hear, Kevin! We are getting off here!

Without other options you stand up and go to the door, you attempt to stay next to walls and corners, as you leave the train station, but its no use, you get tons of weird looks.

Once you are well past the train station mum says, I think we need to talk, Kevin you leaked all over your trousers, you need to go change, there is a bathroom over there, we SHOULD be able to get to the apartment before you have another accident.

You enter the bathroom and pull down your soaked trousers and Pull-up, you throw the pull-up into the bin and stuff the soaked trousers into your bag.

You, with a big sigh pull yet another pink girly night-time princess pull-up up your legs, you then put a fresh pair of trousers on top, you close your bags and leave the bathroom

You, with a big sigh pull yet another pink girly night-time princess pull-up up your legs, you then put a fresh pair of trousers on top, you close your bags and leave the bathroom

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