Please, can I have a pull-up

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You wake up and rub your eyes before sitting up and looking around, you're in your hotel room, nothing off there, except for a pram In the corner and a bad smell. You remove the sheet, revealing your skirt and unicorn shirt, and a sagging, well used, leaky, baby diaper. You get up and walk into the kitchen, and you see mum packing a bag, she then notices you and says, "ah, Kevin you're finally up, me and Nia were about to go to lunch without you, and by the looks of it, you need a change, I'll finish packing my bag and then I'll come and change you, understand?"

You nod your head and walk over to the mirror, you can't help but look at yourself, dressed in girls clothes and a used, sagging, diaper. After a few seconds of staring at yourself In the mirror, Mum comes up to you and tells you to follow her, you do and she pulls down a changing table and tells you to sit on it, you, (not wanting to do babish things) say, "can I please not, I'm not a baby"

She responds, "I don't care if you think that the changing table is for babies, I'm not changing you somewhere else and making a mess somewhere that you're not ment to, now get on the changing table, or I put you on it"

Realising that there's no other option, you climb onto the changing table, where Mum undoes the tapes on the diaper, before pulling it out from under you and throwing it in the bin, she then wipes your privates down, taking great care in making sure that no mess gets left there. She then goes to pull out another diaper from the packet, but you say.

"Mum! I don't want to wear another diaper, can I please have another pull-up instead"

"Kevin, you messed and soaked your diaper, so much that it leaked a bit, a pull-up just won't hold that" Mum replies.

"Mum, I will, I used the diaper intentionally, I won't do that in a pull-up", you lie.

Why, would you do that, you seem so embarrassed by having accidents, yet now you used it intentionally?"

"I did it because I didn't want to have to hold it, I also didn't want to waste the diaper, so I used it intentionally, I could have held it if I wanted to", you continue to lie.

"Fine, I'll get you a pull-up" she says. While she still doesn't really believe him, she doesn't want to have an argument, and she thinks that a diaper probably won't be necessary.

You slide off the changing table, when Mum comes in holding a girl's night-time pull-up, however, before she gives you the pull-up she says, "Kevin, if you need to wet it, don't feel embarrassed for wetting on purpose, that's what there for, I know that Nia does it sometimes, obviously if you can easily make it I would heavily prefer if you used the toilet, as for messing, next time can you try your best to make it".

"Ok mum, I will" you reply.

Mum then bends down, and holds the pull-up out next to your legs, and you step your feet into the holes on the pull-up, and she pulls the pull-up up.

"There, nice and clean", she says, before kissing the top of your head and leaving the room.

You walk up the hall towards your room when Mum says, "where are you going, I've already packed two spare pull-ups"

"I'm going to take this stupid outfit off", you reply.

"Kevin, there's nothing wrong with those clothes, don't leave them to get cleaned while there still clean"

"But mum, I don't want to wear these clothes, they're Nia's, and they're all girly"

"That's no reason, come on, lets go get lunch".

I was considering making this and the next one a single long chapter, but I decided against it, please comment your opinion on me doing longer chapters for this story in the future, or if I should keep the same general length for my chapters as before, (for this story I usually do between 550-750 words per chapter). This chapter is 654 words (not including this part)

(This image has nothing to do with the story, it's just a random picture of a pull-up)

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(This image has nothing to do with the story, it's just a random picture of a pull-up)

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