7 - 'Your head?'

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The next morning you woke up, unsure of the time. You shifted slightly; your eyes still closed. The headache set in, and you groaned, rolling over to face the back of the couch. Your hands felt the blanket that had been put over top of you. How'd you get a blanket?

Last night's foggy memories clouded your pounding head, and you bolted right up. The smell of cleaning product filled the usually musty air and - oh god. The curtains were open, you never opened them.

You looked down at the blanket placed on you and squinted from the open windows, leaving the sun free to blind you. You turned your head away, swinging your feet onto the floor and rubbing your face before combing your fingers through your hair.

You shook your head a little and stretched your fingers before you stood up. You would've thought you were anemic the way that you almost fell back down.

You kept steady and glanced around. You were suddenly wide awake when you seen how clean your dorm was. How would you sleep through all that noise. The empty glass bottles were gone, as well as the piles of various trash and mountains of washing.

The dorm smelt heavily of disinfectant as you turned around, surfaces were cleaned and floors vacuumed. You cringed as you thought about your laundry. You basically used the whole place as a Wardrobe, leaving all your clothes scattered about. And you meant, all.

You couldn't help but wonder if this was really your dorm or If you'd been moved. As your hearing came to light you realized you could hear the subtle sound of water running through the pipes and the soft hum of the tap in the bathroom.

Your tap was on? Still glancing around to find any sign that this was infact your dorm, you made your way towards the bathroom. You couldn't hear anything other than the tap.

You twisted the door knob and opened the door, expecting nothing as you stepped in and turned your head. You jumped, Ghost was in here. He was washing his hands, nothing was wrong but everything felt wrong. He stared at you, his eyes the same unexpressive look. You stepped back and shut the door without muttering a word.

You turned your back to the door and walked away quickly, wincing at the major headache you had going. You walked over to the bedroom door and opened it too, you had your eyes shut as you opened it, giving anyone in there to shout out and let you know.

Once no one called out, you looked around, confirming it was your dorm. Your room wasn't as messy as your dorm usually was, not that it was anymore but you barely used your room, not even for sleeping. You usually never made it that far, so when you seen all your possessions and trinkets you felt a sense of relief.

The bathroom door opened and you jumped slightly as Ghost walked out. He walked towards the open kitchen area and grabbed something from the counter.

"Morning" he said with a simple nod as he walked towards you and passed you a tray of pills to help with the hangover.

"Morning sir" you mumbled back, popping a few and taking them dry. You really didn't know how to act, formal or friendly? This was so much easier when you were drunk.

He didn't look up at you nor say anything back and you shifted awkwardly. Standing under the bedroom doorframe waiting for him to say something. You glanced around the clean dorm.

"You cleaned..?" You asked attempting small talk. You didn't know exactly what happened last night because you couldn't remember the half of it and you hoped you'd done nothing idiotic or embarrassing.

You sighed taking a glance at Ghost before checking the guns magazine. Seeing it  full you reached over Ghost your hand moving towards the car door handle.

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