50 - Enlighten me

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A knock on the door takes your attention and you looked up to see someone dressed in gear standing there. He cleared his throat while you sat up straight and offered a wave. "Hello?" 

"I'm just here to tell you that Captain asked you to bring his hat from his office" he says with a small shrug. 

"Oh uh, sure okay" you mumble getting up slowly and walking past him. You glanced over your shoulder at them, he stood by your door with his arms folded. 

You read the labeled doors, making your way to Price's office and opening his door. It was empty, you assumed he was still in that meeting. You glanced around for a moment, stepping into the office. 

You found the hat on a shelf close to his desk and grabbed it swiftly before exiting. The guy at the end of the hall waved you over and you started walking back, meeting him in the middle as he took it from your hands. 

"Thanks, I'll get it to him". he says with a small smirk under his mask that you could barely make out. 

"Okay?" you muttered, confused but not really wanting to put any thought in to it. He stepped past with a small whistle before sighing. You turned around, seeing Ghost holding the man's wrist.

He gave a glare before his eyes flicked down to the hat. "It wasn't me who took it, she did" he said nodding towards you as you scowled. 

"You told me too" you defended.

"And you trust everyone you meet?" he chuckles which only deepened your furrowed brows. 

"You caught me at a bad time" you muttered. 

"Put it back Keegan" Ghost grunted, letting him go. Keegan looked at him for a moment almost as if trying to challenge him before huffing and walking towards Prices office. 

"You never had a day of fun in your life" he grunts under his breath. 

"Not when I'm constantly babysitting a grown man." Ghost says back. 

"Hey - I didn't ask for it." he says while entering Prices office. You look at the empty doorway then back at Ghost with his back to you. 

Keegan emerges a moment later and holds up his hands with an annoyed glint in his eyes. "There, relax a little" he mutters to which Ghost grunts and checks his watch. 

"Don't you have something better to do other than dedicating your life to stealing a hat?" Ghost mumbles, folding his arms. 

"No, why else would I be stealing a hat if I had something better to do?" Keegan says with a slight attitude. His eyes shift from Ghost to you, and you see his chest shake slightly as if he was laughing. "This is Rookie?" he says, almost a scoff. 

Ghost gives a nod, looking over his shoulder at you as you look Keegan up and down yourself. "Alright" he says with a shrug. 

"Why? something else you expected" Ghost mutters shifting his stance. 

Keegans eyes flick back to Ghost before settling on you again as he gives a halfhearted shrug. "Yeah kinda" he says slowly, sucking in through his teeth as if disappointed before offering another shrug. "But oh well right."

"I'd watch your words Keegan, you're not much yourself" Ghost grunts. 

Keegan lets out an exhale of amusement as a smile shifts under his mask and he straightens his posture. "And I suppose you are?" he says back, a cocky undertone lining his words. 

"Keegan" Ghost sighs. "What is the point of this?"

He shrugs. "Boredom I guess, or just that you get so defensive sometimes it's entertaining." 

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